
Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Woman with dark hair in front of purple and red flowers wars a pink cardigan and aqua blue shirt. Christina DeWitt
Contact person by email Focus is on efforts to improve seafood quality and safety and enhance utilization of by-products generated from seafood processing.
Alex Gerber Alex Gerber
Administrative Manager
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Susan Hansell
Office Specialist 2
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Craig Holt
Chemist 1
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Angee Hunt
Assistant Professor of Practice
503-325-4531, Ext. 32503
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Sustainable Seafood Processing Research and Outreach
Paul Koenig
Laboratory Technician 1
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Jung Kwon
Assistant Professor
Contact person by email Biological functions of natural dietary molecules in health promotion & disease prevention; uncovering potential health value of underutilized food resources to promote efficient utilization of harvest.
Tein Lin
Courtesy Appointment
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Pacific Seafood Group
Title: VP for R/D and Value Creation Team
Address: 16797 SE 130th Ave, Clackamas, OR 97015

Jae Park
Professor Emeritus
Contact person by email
Fish Proteins, Surimi, and Surimi Seafood