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“Single mother work and poverty under welfare reform: Are policy impacts different in rural areas?”, Eastern Economic Journal, pp. 31–51, 2004.
, “Economic Impacts on Oregon of the Termination of Secure Rural Schools Payments to Counties: 2011 Update”, A Report of the “Changing Federal County Payments Policy and Rural Oregon Counties: Impacts and Options” Project, 2011.
, Rural Dimensions of Welfare Reform. W.E. Upjohn Institute, 2002.
, , “A critical review of rural poverty literature: Is there truly a rural effect?”, International Regional Science Review, vol. 28, pp. 381–414, 2005.
, “Rural poverty: why should states care and what can state policy do?”, Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, vol. 37, pp. 48–52, 2007.
, “Wealth Creation and Rural-Urban Linkages: An Exploratory Study of Economic Flows in Two Natural Resource-Rich Regions”, Wealth Creation in Rural Communities, 2010.
, “Bisphenol A exposure during early development induces sex-specific changes in adult zebrafish social interactions.”, J Toxicol Environ Health A, vol. 78, no. 1, pp. 50-66, 2015.
, “IMPACTS OF WELFARE REFORM ON RURAL PEOPLE AND PLACES IN THE UNITED STATES”, Welfare Reform in Rural Places: Comparative Perspectives: Comparative Perspectives, vol. 15, pp. 19–40, 2010.
, “Education's Effect on Poverty: The Role of Migration”, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 29, pp. 437–445, 2007.
, “Semipersistent Whitefly Transmission of Squash vein yellowing virus, Causal Agent of Viral Watermelon Vine Decline”, Plant Disease, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 839 - 844, 2012.
, “Tissue-print methods for localization of RNA and proteins in seeds”, in Methods in Molecular Biology: Seed Dormancy, vol. 773, Totowa: Humana Press, 2011, pp. 329-339.
, “Bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum L.) frond biomass and rhizosphere microbial community characteristics are correlated to edaphic factors”, Plant and Soil, vol. 249, no. 2, pp. 359 - 371, 2003.
, “Comparison of taxonomic, colony morphotype and PCR-RFLP methods to characterize microfungal diversity”, Mycologia, vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 384 - 392, 2006.
, “Economics of environmental management in a spatially heterogeneous river basin”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 88, pp. 617–631, 2006.
, “In situ separation of root hydraulic redistribution of soil water from liquid and vapor transport.”, Oecologia, vol. 166, no. 4, pp. 899-911, 2011.
, “ A note on introducing four-day old virgin queens into nucleus colonies using artificial queen cells in Alberta, Canada”, Science of Bee Culture , vol. 4, pp. 8-10, 2012.
, “Inheritance of superoxide dismutase (Sod-1) in a perennial x annual ryegrass cross and its allelic distribution among cultivars”, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 105, pp. 1146–1150, 2002.
, “Effects of 17$\alpha$-ethinylestradiol and bisphenol a on vertebral development in the fathead minnow (Pimephales Promelas)”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 26, pp. 732–737, 2007.
, “A cost-effective maize ear phenotyping platform enables rapid categorization and quantification of kernels.”, Plant J, vol. 106, no. 2, pp. 566-579, 2021.
, “Gramene, a tool for grass genomics.”, Plant physiology, vol. 130, pp. 1606-13, 2002.
, “Gramene: a resource for comparative grass genomics.”, Nucleic acids research, vol. 30, pp. 103-5, 2002.
, “Improving Rangeland Climate Services for Ranchers and Pastoralists with Social Science”, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 52, pp. 82 - 91, 2021.
, “Rapid Migration of Radionuclides Leaked from High-Level Waste Tanks: A Study of Salinity Gradients, Wetted Path Geometry and Water Vapor Transport”, Science to Support DOE Site Cleanup, 1999.
, “Quantifying biogeochemical heterogeneity in soil systems”, Geoderma, vol. 324, pp. 89-97, 2018.