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Journal Article
A. R. Deans, Lewis, S. E., Huala, E., Anzaldo, S. S., Ashburner, M., Balhoff, J. P., Blackburn, D. C., Blake, J. A., J. Burleigh, G., Chanet, B., Cooper, L. D., Courtot, M., Csösz, S., Cui, H., Dahdul, W., Das, S., T. Dececchi, A., Dettai, A., Diogo, R., Druzinsky, R. E., Dumontier, M., Franz, N. M., Friedrich, F., Gkoutos, G. V., Haendel, M., Harmon, L. J., Hayamizu, T. F., He, Y., Hines, H. M., Ibrahim, N., Jackson, L. M., Jaiswal, P., James-Zorn, C., Köhler, S., Lecointre, G., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C. J., Le Novère, N., Lundberg, J. G., Macklin, J., Mast, A. R., Midford, P. E., Mikó, I., Mungall, C. J., Oellrich, A., Osumi-Sutherland, D., Parkinson, H., Ramírez, M. J., Richter, S., Robinson, P. N., Ruttenberg, A., Schulz, K. S., Segerdell, E., Seltmann, K. C., Sharkey, M. J., Smith, A. D., Smith, B., Specht, C. D., R. Squires, B., Thacker, R. W., Thessen, A., Fernandez-Triana, J., Vihinen, M., Vize, P. D., Vogt, L., Wall, C. E., Walls, R. L., Westerfeld, M., Wharton, R. A., Wirkner, C. S., Woolley, J. B., Yoder, M. J., Zorn, A. M., and Mabee, P., Finding Our Way through Phenotypes, PLoS Biol, vol. 13, p. e1002033, 2015.
A. R. Deans, Lewis, S. E., Huala, E., Anzaldo, S. S., Ashburner, M., Balhoff, J. P., Blackburn, D. C., Blake, J. A., J. Burleigh, G., Chanet, B., Cooper, L. D., Courtot, M., Csösz, S., Cui, H., Dahdul, W., Das, S., T. Dececchi, A., Dettai, A., Diogo, R., Druzinsky, R. E., Dumontier, M., Franz, N. M., Friedrich, F., Gkoutos, G. V., Haendel, M., Harmon, L. J., Hayamizu, T. F., He, Y., Hines, H. M., Ibrahim, N., Jackson, L. M., Jaiswal, P., James-Zorn, C., Köhler, S., Lecointre, G., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C. J., Le Novère, N., Lundberg, J. G., Macklin, J., Mast, A. R., Midford, P. E., Mikó, I., Mungall, C. J., Oellrich, A., Osumi-Sutherland, D., Parkinson, H., Ramírez, M. J., Richter, S., Robinson, P. N., Ruttenberg, A., Schulz, K. S., Segerdell, E., Seltmann, K. C., Sharkey, M. J., Smith, A. D., Smith, B., Specht, C. D., R. Squires, B., Thacker, R. W., Thessen, A., Fernandez-Triana, J., Vihinen, M., Vize, P. D., Vogt, L., Wall, C. E., Walls, R. L., Westerfeld, M., Wharton, R. A., Wirkner, C. S., Woolley, J. B., Yoder, M. J., Zorn, A. M., and Mabee, P., Finding Our Way through Phenotypes, PLoS Biol, vol. 13, p. e1002033, 2015.
G. C, T, F., Constantine, R., K, R., Burns, D., M. Poole, M., D, P., Hauser, N., Oremus, M., Childerhouse, S., Mattila, D., Gibbs, N., Franklin, W., Robbins, J., Clapham, P., and C. Baker, S., First assessment of interchange of humpback whales between Oceania and the east coast of Australia, Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 2011.
M. V. Rossi Stacconi, Grassi, A., Dalton, D., Miller, B., Ouantar, M., Loni, A., Ioriatti, C., Walton, V. M., and Anfora, G., First field records of Pachycrepoideus vindemiae as a parasitoid of Drosophila suzukii in European and Oregon small fruit production areas, Entomologia, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 3, 2013.
M. V. Rossi Stacconi, Grassi, A., Dalton, D., Miller, B., Ouantar, M., Loni, A., Ioriatti, C., Walton, V. M., and Anfora, G., First field records of Pachycrepoideus vindemiae as a parasitoid of Drosophila suzukii in European and Oregon small fruit production areas, Entomologia, vol. 1, no. 1, 2013.
P. J. Olsoy and Sorenson, K. J., First Record of Tricolored Blackbirds in Idaho, Western Birds, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 43 - 50, 2024.
M. K. O'neill, Angima, S. D., Duinker, B., and Okoba, B., Fodder Production from Contour Hedges in the Central Kenyan Highlands, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, vol. 20252, no. 3, pp. 57 - 67, 2002.
M. K. O'neill, Angima, S. D., Duinker, B., and Okoba, B., Fodder Production from Contour Hedges in the Central Kenyan Highlands, Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, vol. 20252, no. 3, pp. 57 - 67, 2002.
N. Davies, Field, D., Amaral-Zettler, L., Clark, M. S., Deck, J., Drummond, A., Faith, D. P., Geller, J., Gilbert, J., Glöckner, F. Oliver, Hirsch, P. R., Leong, J. - A., Meyer, C., Obst, M., Planes, S., Scholin, C., Vogler, A. P., Gates, R. D., Toonen, R., Berteaux-Lecellier, éronique, Barbier, èle, Barker, K., Bertilsson, S., Bicak, M., Bietz, M. J., Bobe, J., Bodrossy, L., Borja, A., Coddington, J., Fuhrman, J., Gerdts, G., Gillespie, R., Goodwin, K., Hanson, P. C., Hero, J. - M., Hoekman, D., Jansson, J., Jeanthon, C., Kao, R., Klindworth, A., Knight, R., Kottmann, R., Koo, M. S., Kotoulas, G., Lowe, A. J., ó Marteinsson, T., Meyer, F., Morrison, N., Myrold, D. D., Pafilis, E., Parker, S., Parnell, J. Jacob, Polymenakou, P. N., Ratnasingham, S., Roderick, G. K., Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, N., Schonrogge, K., Simon, N., Valette-Silver, N. J., Springer, Y. P., Stone, G. N., Stones-Havas, S., Sansone, S. - A., Thibault, K. M., Wecker, P., Wichels, A., Wooley, J. C., Yahara, T., and Zingone, A., The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network, GigaScience, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
S. M. Marr, Marchetti, M. P., Olden, J. D., García-Berthou, E., Morgan, D. L., Arismendi, I., Day, J. A., Griffiths, C. L., and Skelton, P. H., Freshwater fish introductions in mediterranean-climate regions: are there commonalities in the conservation problem?, Diversity and Distributions, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 606 - 619, 2010.
J. McIver and Ottmar, R. D., Fuel mass and stand structure 13 years after logging of a severely burned ponderosa pine forest in northeastern Oregon, U.S.A, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 424, pp. 505 - 518, 2018.
J. McIver and Ottmar, R. D., Fuel mass and stand structure after post-fire logging of a severely burned ponderosa pine forest in northeastern Oregon, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 238, no. 1-3, pp. 268 - 279, 2007.
J. - Y. Choi, Oughton, J. A., and Kerkvliet, N. I., Functional alterations in CD11b(+)Gr-1(+) cells in mice injected with allogeneic tumor cells and treated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin., Int Immunopharmacol, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 553-70, 2003.
C. Mallory-Smith and Olguin, E. Sanchez, Gene Flow from Herbicide-Resistant Crops: Itʼs Not Just for Transgenes, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 5813 - 5818, 2011.
A. H. MacQueen, White, J. W., Lee, R., Osorno, J. M., Schmutz, J., Miklas, P. N., Myers, J. R., McClean, P. E., and Juenger, T. E., Genetic Associations in Four Decades of Multienvironment Trials Reveal Agronomic Trait Evolution in Common Bean (vol 219, iyab158, 2021), GENETICS, vol. 219, 2021.
M. Oremus, Gales, R., Kettles, H., and Baker, C. S., Genetic Evidence of Multiple Matrilines and Spatial Disruption of Kinship Bonds in Mass Strandings of Long-finned Pilot Whales, Globicephala melas, Journal of Heredity, vol. 104, no. 3, pp. 301 - 311, 2013.
K. E. Bushley, Raja, R., Jaiswal, P., Cumbie, J. S., Nonogaki, M., Boyd, A. E., C Owensby, A., Knaus, B. J., Elser, J., Miller, D., Di, Y., McPhail, K. L., and Spatafora, J. W., The Genome of Tolypocladium inflatum: Evolution, Organization, and Expression of the Cyclosporin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster, PLOS Genetics, vol. 9, 2013.
M. Mohammadi, Blake, T. K., Budde, A. D., Chao, S., Hayes, P. M., Horsley, R. D., Obert, D. E., Ullrich, S. E., and Smith, K. P., A genome-wide association study of malting quality across eight U.S. barley breeding programs, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 128, no. 4, pp. 705 - 721, 2015.
L. A. Lima, de Almeida, W. F., Lima, P. L. T., Oliveira, E. C., and Shock, C. C., Germination and early growth of physic nut submitted to levels of salinity, Engenharia Agrícola, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 1110 - 1123, 2013.
S. M. Marr, Olden, J. D., Leprieur, F., Arismendi, I., Ćaleta, M., Morgan, D. L., Nocita, A., Šanda, R., A. Tarkan, S., and García-Berthou, E., A global assessment of freshwater fish introductions in mediterranean-climate regions, Hydrobiologia, vol. 719, no. 1, pp. 317 - 329, 2013.
J. A. Jackson, Steel, D. J., Beerli, P., Congdon, B. C., Olavarria, C., Leslie, M. S., Pomilla, C., Rosenbaum, H., and Baker, C. S., Global diversity and oceanic divergence of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae), Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 281903441162637143636571274330494143328544416326949354147622152197312314314711389131118213912530110498821255760443222224, no. 17861762631376644341111061923212332102341011563238217117, pp. 20133222 - 20133222, 2014.
S. Del Grosso, Parton, W., Stohlgren, T., Zheng, D., Bachelet, D., Prince, S., Hibbard, K., and Olson, R., Global potential net primary production predicted from vegetation class, precipitation, and temperature, Ecology, vol. 89, pp. 2117–2126, 2008.
Y. L. Ong, Ross, A. S., and Engle, D. A., Glutenin Macropolymer in Salted and Alkaline Noodle Doughs, Cereal Chemistry Journal, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 79 - 85, 2010.
M. K. Monaco, Stein, J., Naithani, S., Wei, S., Dharmawardhana, P., Kumari, S., Amarasinghe, V., Youens-Clark, K., Thomason, J., Preece, J., Pasternak, S., Olson, A., Jiao, Y., Lu, Z., Bolser, D., Kerhornou, A., Staines, D., Walts, B., Wu, G., D’Eustachio, P., Haw, R., Croft, D., Kersey, P. J., Stein, L., Jaiswal, P., and Ware, D., Gramene 2013: comparative plant genomics resources., Nucleic acids research, vol. 42, pp. D1193-9, 2014.
M. K. Tello-Ruiz, Stein, J., Wei, S., Preece, J., Olson, A., Naithani, S., Amarasinghe, V., Dharmawardhana, P., Jiao, Y., Mulvaney, J., Kumari, S., Chougule, K., Elser, J., Wang, B., Thomason, J., Bolser, D. M., Kerhornou, A., Walts, B., Fonseca, N. A., Huerta, L., Keays, M., Y Tang, A., Parkinson, H., Fabregat, A., McKay, S., Weiser, J., D’Eustachio, P., Stein, L., Petryszak, R., Kersey, P. J., Jaiswal, P., and Ware, D., Gramene 2016: comparative plant genomics and pathway resources., Nucleic acids research, vol. 44, pp. D1133-40, 2016.