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“Bioassay protocol for lethal and sub lethal effects of fungal pathogens on Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)”, EPA Report 600/3 91/025 ERL COR 656, 1988.
, “Blister beetles: occasional pest or beneficial predator?”, WSU Extension Service, Pullman, Washington, FS 113E, 2013.
, “Brown Marmorated stink bug Halymorpha halys”, OSU Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, EM 9054, 2013.
, “Canopy cover and shade/stream temperature relastionships: II. Relationships of shade and maximum stream temperatures on three northeastern Oregon streams”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2003.
, , “EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Black-Tailed Jackrabbit Selection of 8 Forages Available for Reclaiming Great Basin Rangelands”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “An evaluation of the PRIA grazing fee formula. In: Current Issues in Rangeland Resource Economics.”, A Western Regional Publication: NMSU Agric. Exp. Sta., Research Report, 737, 2001.
, , “Feeding Immunostimulant Ingredients to Optimize Health and Performance of Receiving Cattle”, Oregon State University - Oregon Beef Council Report, 2017.
, “Field Day Report. Special Report #935. Management of Great Basin Rangelands: Yellow Starthistle Invasion and Management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1994.
, “Great Basin Fact Sheet – Post-Fire Grazing Management in the Great Basin”, USDA-FS, 7, 2015.
, “Integrated pest management for brown marmorated stink bug in vegetables: a synopsis of what researchers have learned so far and management recommendations using an integrated approach”, Marmorated Stink Bug SCRI CAP Vegetable Commodity Team in conjunction with the Northeastern IPM Center, 2015.
, “Integrated pest management for the wheat head armyworm complex in the Pacific Northwest”, Oregon State University Extension Service, PNW696, 2017.
, “Manejo Integrado de chinche apestozo marmoleado”, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug SCRI CAP Vegetable Commodity Team in conjunction with the Northeastern IPM Center. , 2015.
, “Mapping Leafy Spurge and Spotted Knapweed Using Remote Sensing”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, SR 1057, 2006.
, “Maximizing Local Benefit from Popular Rural Economic Development Strategies”, Regards to Rural VII, 2011.
, , “Range Field Day Report 2004: Current forage and livestock production research Special Report 1052”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2004.
, “Range Field Day Report 2004: Current forage and livestock production research Special Report 1052”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2004.
, “Report of the Symposium and Workshop on Living Whales in the Southern Ocean: Puerto Varas, Chile 27-29 March 2012”, Panama City, Panama, 2012.
, “Report of the Symposium and Workshop on Living Whales in the Southern Ocean: Puerto Varas, Chile 27-29 March 2012”, Panama City, Panama, 2012.
, “Response of public land ranchers to policy changes. In: Current Issues in Rangeland Resource Economics”, A Western Regional Publication, 2001.
, “Tracking Oregon's Progress: A Focus on Income Inequality”, Tracking Oregon's Progress, 2015.
, “Wheat Head Armyworm, true or false: a tale from the Pacific Northwest”, Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, EM9000-E, 2009.