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“Effects of soybean trypsin inhibitor on hypopharyngeal gland protein content and colony level foraging behavior of the honey bee”, Joint meeting of AAPA, USDA north central regional project 202, American Bee Research Conference. Reno, NV, 2005.
, “Effects of soybean trypsin inhibitor on hypopharyngeal gland protein content, total midgut protease activity and survival of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)”, Entomological Society of America. Fort Lauderdale, FL, 2005.
, “Effects of soybean trypsin inhibitor on hypopharyngeal gland protein content, total midgut protease activity and survival of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.)”, Entomological Society of America. Salt Lake City, UT, 2004.
, “Effects of protein constrained brood food on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) pollen foraging and colony growth”, IUSSI World Congress. Washington DC, 2006.
, “ Consumption of Seafood, Poultry and Meat in Restaurants vs. Supermarkets”, Sixth International Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade. 1992.
, “Colorado potato beetle research in Oregon”, 74th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 53-55, 2015.
, “Colorado potato beetle in the Basin”, 75th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Managment Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 57-59, 2016.
, “Chemical curing range forage for fall grazing”, Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, vol. 19. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1968.
, “Camelina meal supplementation to beef cattle: III. Effects on acute-phase and thyroid responses”, Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, vol. 62. pp. 261-263, 2011.
, “Camelina meal supplementation to beef cattle: III. Effects on acute-phase and thyroid responses”, Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, vol. 62. pp. 261-263, 2011.
, “Camelina meal supplementation to beef cattle: I. Effects on performance, dmi, and acute-phase protein response of feeder steers following transport”, Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, vol. 62. pp. 7-10, 2011.
, “Camelina meal supplementation to beef cattle: I. Effects on performance, dmi, and acute-phase protein response of feeder steers following transport”, Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, vol. 62. pp. 7-10, 2011.
, “Brown marmorated stink bug in eastern Oregon”, 74th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 17-18, 2015.
, “Biological Control of Mediterranean Sage (Salvia aethiopis L.) Observations in Oregon: A Partial Success”, 12th International Symposium on Weed Biological Control. pp. 529-535, 2008.
, “Wind-Induced Pressure Perturbations in Alpine Snow”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
, “Using high-resolution fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing to measure spatially resolved speed and temperature of airflows in a shallow gully”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2015.
, “Urea-ammoniation and (or) supplementation strategies to improve the nutritive value of tall fescue straw for beef cattle production”, in Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, 1991.
, “Unit process data collection for specialty crop production”, in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector (LCA Food 2014), San Francisco, California, USA, 8-10 October, 2014., 2014.
“Uncertainty in hydrologic response due to climate change; Santiam River, Oregon”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
, “Systems for reducing dependency on harvested forage for wintering cows”, in Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, 1987.
, “A survey of cow-calf producers in Oregon and Nevada-production practices”, in PROCEEDINGS-AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ANIMAL SCIENCE WESTERN SECTION, 2004.
, “Strategies to improve fermentation characteristics of degermed corn flour”, in 2005 ASAE Annual Meeting, 2005.
, “Stable isotope variability in snow on an alpine glacier in Switzerland”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2009.
, “Simulating dam removal with a 1D hydraulic model: Accuracy and techniques for reservoir erosion and downstream deposition at the Chiloquin Dam removal”, in World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010: Challenges of Change, 2010.
“Shear Stress and Turbulence Along a Streambank Due to Changes in Vegetation Canopy Density and Bank Angle”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.