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Journal Article
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R. Aleyda García, Chiaia-Hernández, A. C., Lara-Martin, P. A., Loos, M., Hollender, J., Oetjen, K., Higgins, C. P., and Field, J., Suspect Screening of Hydrocarbon Surfactants in AFFFs and AFFF-Contaminated Groundwater by High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 53, no. 14, pp. 8068 - 8077, 2019.
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J. Chen, Tanguay, R. L., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Nie, S., Zhao, Y., Li, L., Bai, C., Dong, Q., Huang, C., and Lin, K., TBBPA chronic exposure produces sex-specific neurobehavioral and social interaction changes in adult zebrafish., Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 56, pp. 9-15, 2016.
J. Chen, Tanguay, R. L., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Nie, S., Zhao, Y., Li, L., Bai, C., Dong, Q., Huang, C., and Lin, K., TBBPA chronic exposure produces sex-specific neurobehavioral and social interaction changes in adult zebrafish., Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 56, 2016.
J. Chen, Tanguay, R. L., Simonich, M. T., Nie, S., Zhao, Y., Li, L., Bai, C., Dong, Q., Huang, C., and Lin, K., TBBPA chronic exposure produces sex-specific neurobehavioral and social interaction changes in adult zebrafish, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, vol. 56, pp. 9 - 15, 2016.
J. Chen, Tanguay, R. L., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Nie, S., Zhao, Y., Li, L., Bai, C., Dong, Q., Huang, C., and Lin, K., TBBPA chronic exposure produces sex-specific neurobehavioral and social interaction changes in adult zebrafish., Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 56, pp. 9-15, 2016.
J. Chen, Tanguay, R. L., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Nie, S., Zhao, Y., Li, L., Bai, C., Dong, Q., Huang, C., and Lin, K., TBBPA chronic exposure produces sex-specific neurobehavioral and social interaction changes in adult zebrafish., Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 56, 2016.
J. Chen, Tanguay, R. L., Simonich, M. T., Nie, S., Zhao, Y., Li, L., Bai, C., Dong, Q., Huang, C., and Lin, K., TBBPA chronic exposure produces sex-specific neurobehavioral and social interaction changes in adult zebrafish, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, vol. 56, pp. 9 - 15, 2016.
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J. Chen, Tanguay, R. L., Xiao, Y., Haggard, D. E., Ge, X., Jia, Y., Zheng, Y., Dong, Q., Huang, C., and Lin, K., TBBPA exposure during a sensitive developmental window produces neurobehavioral changes in larval zebrafish, Environmental Pollution, vol. 216, pp. 53 - 63, 2016.
J. Chen, Tanguay, R. L., Xiao, Y., Haggard, D. E., Ge, X., Jia, Y., Zheng, Y., Dong, Q., Huang, C., and Lin, K., TBBPA exposure during a sensitive developmental window produces neurobehavioral changes in larval zebrafish., Environ Pollut, vol. 216, pp. 53-63, 2016.
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