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R. L. Tanguay and Reimers, M. J., Analysis of Ethanol Developmental Toxicity in Zebrafish, vol. 447. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2008, pp. 63 - 74.
, JL, C., K, H., P-P, L., TM, H., J, S., RC, M., and H, N., An Arabidopsis thaliana embryo arrest mutant exhibiting germination potential, Seed Science Research , vol. 18, pp. 55-65, 2008.
E. M. Coombs, Miller, J. C., Andres, L. A., and Turner, C. E., Biological Control of Mediterranean Sage (Salvia aethiopis L.) Observations in Oregon: A Partial Success, 12th International Symposium on Weed Biological Control. pp. 529-535, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Tekwani, B., and Khan, S., Content, composition, and bio activity of the essential oil of three basil genotypes as a function of harvesting, J. Agric. Food Chem. , vol. 56, pp. 380-385, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Tekwani, B., and Khan, S. I., Content, Composition, and Bioactivity of the Essential Oils of Three Basil Genotypes as a Function of Harvesting, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 380 - 385, 2008.
L. K. Mathew, Sengupta, S. S., La Du, J. K., Andreasen, E. A., and Tanguay, R. L., Crosstalk between AHR and Wnt signaling through R-Spondin1 impairs tissue regeneration in zebrafish, The FASEB Journal, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 3087 - 3096, 2008.
L. K. Mathew, Sengupta, S. S., LaDu, J., Andreasen, E. A., and Tanguay, R. L., Crosstalk between AHR and Wnt signaling through R-Spondin1 impairs tissue regeneration in zebrafish., FASEB J, vol. 22, no. 8, pp. 3087-96, 2008.
D. Tullos and Jennings, G., Dam removal, in Encyclopedia of Water Science, Second Edition, 2008, pp. 138–142.
M. - T. Pino, Skinner, J. S., Jeknić, Z., Hayes, P. M., Soeldner, A. H., Thomashow, M. F., and Chen, T. H. H., Ectopic AtCBF1 over-expression enhances freezing tolerance and induces cold acclimation-associated physiological modifications in potato., Plant Cell Environ, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 393-406, 2008.
S. RR and T, P., Effects of brood pheromone modulated brood rearing behaviors on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colony growth, Journal of Insect Behavior, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 339-349, 2008.
G. Bertoni, Trevisi, E., Han, X., and Bionaz, M., Effects of inflammatory conditions on liver activity in puerperium period and consequences for performance in dairy cows., J Dairy Sci, vol. 91, no. 9, pp. 3300-10, 2008.
D. Tullos and Jennings, G., Encyclopedia of Water Science, 2008.
J. Mortensen, Telyakovskiy, A. S., Li, L., Lockington, D. A., Parlange, M. B., Stagnitti, F., Jeng, D. - S., Selker, J., Barry, D. A., and Parlange, J. - Y., Erratum to``Similarity solution of axisymmetric flow in porous media''[Adv. Water Resour. 28 (2005) 1076 1082], Advances in Water Resources, vol. 31, pp. 1764–1764, 2008.
F. Tilton and Tanguay, R. L., Exposure to Sodium Metam during Zebrafish Somitogenesis Results in Early Transcriptional Indicators of the Ensuing Neuronal and Muscular Dysfunction, Toxicological Sciences, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 103 - 112, 2008.
F. Tilton and Tanguay, R. L., Exposure to Sodium Metam during Zebrafish Somitogenesis Results in Early Transcriptional Indicators of the Ensuing Neuronal and Muscular Dysfunction, Toxicological Sciences, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 103 - 112, 2008.
F. Tilton and Tanguay, R. L., Exposure to sodium metam during zebrafish somitogenesis results in early transcriptional indicators of the ensuing neuronal and muscular dysfunction., Toxicol Sci, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 103-12, 2008.
F. Tilton and Tanguay, R. L., Exposure to sodium metam during zebrafish somitogenesis results in early transcriptional indicators of the ensuing neuronal and muscular dysfunction., Toxicol Sci, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 103-12, 2008.
G. Bobe, Weinstein, S. J., Albanes, D., Hirvonen, T., Ashby, J., Taylor, P. R., Virtamo, J., and Stolzenberg-Solomon, R. Z., Flavonoid intake and risk of pancreatic cancer in male smokers (Finland), Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, vol. 17, pp. 553–562, 2008.
E. Thompson, Strik, B. C., Clark, J. R., and Finn, C. E., Flowering and fruiting morphology of primocane-fruiting blackberries, Acta Hort., vol. 777, pp. 281-288, 2008.
C. Y. Usenko, Harper, S., and Tanguay, R. L., Fullerene C 60 exposure elicits an oxidative stress response in embryonic zebrafish, Toxicology and applied pharmacology, vol. 229, pp. 44–55, 2008.
C. Y. Usenko, Harper, S. L., and Tanguay, R. L., Fullerene C60 exposure elicits an oxidative stress response in embryonic zebrafish, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 229, no. 1, pp. 44 - 55, 2008.
C. Y. Usenko, Harper, S. L., and Tanguay, R. L., Fullerene C60 exposure elicits an oxidative stress response in embryonic zebrafish., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 229, no. 1, pp. 44-55, 2008.
R. Bruskiewich, Senger, M., Davenport, G., Ruiz, M., Rouard, M., Hazekamp, T., Takeya, M., Doi, K., Satoh, K., Costa, M., Simon, R., Balaji, J., Akintunde, A., Mauleon, R., Wanchana, S., Shah, T., Anacleto, M., Portugal, A., Ulat, V. Jun, Thongjuea, S., Braak, K., Ritter, S., Dereeper, A., Skofic, M., Rojas, E., Martins, N., Pappas, G., Alamban, R., Almodiel, R., Barboza, L. Hendrix, Detras, J., Manansala, K., Mendoza, M. Jonathan, Morales, J., Peralta, B., Valerio, R., Zhang, Y., Gregorio, S., Hermocilla, J., Echavez, M., Yap, J. Michael, Farmer, A., Schiltz, G., Lee, J., Casstevens, T., Jaiswal, P., Meintjes, A., Wilkinson, M., Good, B., Wagner, J., Morris, J., Marshall, D., Collins, A., Kikuchi, S., Metz, T., McLaren, G., and van Hintum, T., The generation challenge programme platform: semantic standards and workbench for crop science., International journal of plant genomics, vol. 2008, p. 369601, 2008.
R. Bruskiewich, Senger, M., Davenport, G., Ruiz, M., Rouard, M., Hazekamp, T., Takeya, M., Doi, K., Satoh, K., Costa, M., Simon, R., Balaji, J., Akintunde, A., Mauleon, R., Wanchana, S., Shah, T., Anacleto, M., Portugal, A., Ulat, V. Jun, Thongjuea, S., Braak, K., Ritter, S., Dereeper, A., Skofic, M., Rojas, E., Martins, N., Pappas, G., Alamban, R., Almodiel, R., Barboza, L. Hendrix, Detras, J., Manansala, K., Mendoza, M. Jonathan, Morales, J., Peralta, B., Valerio, R., Zhang, Y., Gregorio, S., Hermocilla, J., Echavez, M., Yap, J. Michael, Farmer, A., Schiltz, G., Lee, J., Casstevens, T., Jaiswal, P., Meintjes, A., Wilkinson, M., Good, B., Wagner, J., Morris, J., Marshall, D., Collins, A., Kikuchi, S., Metz, T., McLaren, G., and van Hintum, T., The generation challenge programme platform: semantic standards and workbench for crop science., International journal of plant genomics, vol. 2008, p. 369601, 2008.
C. Liang, Jaiswal, P., Hebbard, C., Avraham, S., Buckler, E. S., Casstevens, T., Hurwitz, B., McCouch, S., Ni, J., Pujar, A., Ravenscroft, D., Ren, L., Spooner, W., Tecle, I., Thomason, J., Tung, C. - W., Wei, X., Yap, I., Youens-Clark, K., Ware, D., and Stein, L., Gramene: a growing plant comparative genomics resource., Nucleic acids research, vol. 36, pp. D947-53, 2008.