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“Permeability changes in layered sediments: impact of particle release”, Ground Water, vol. 40, pp. 466–474, 2002.
, “Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property”, Nature, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 49 - 56, 2011.
, “Perspectives on the salience and magnitude of dam impacts for hydro development scenarios in China”, Water Alternatives, vol. 3, p. 71, 2010.
, “Phenanthrene and fluorene-mediated early developmental toxicity in zebrafish.”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, vol. 19, pp. 57–62, 2010.
“Phenotype anchoring in zebrafish reveals a potential role for matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in tamoxifen's effects on skin epithelium”, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 296, pp. 31 - 41, 2016.
, “Phenotype anchoring in zebrafish reveals a potential role for matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in tamoxifen's effects on skin epithelium.”, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 296, 2016.
, “Phenotype anchoring in zebrafish reveals a potential role for matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in tamoxifen's effects on skin epithelium.”, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 296, pp. 31-41, 2016.
, “Phenotypically anchored transcriptome profiling of developmental exposure to the antimicrobial agent, triclosan, reveals hepatotoxicity in embryonic zebrafish.”, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 308, 2016.
, “Phenotypically anchored transcriptome profiling of developmental exposure to the antimicrobial agent, triclosan, reveals hepatotoxicity in embryonic zebrafish.”, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 308, pp. 32-45, 2016.
, “Pheromone-based mating disruption of Planococcus ficus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in California vineyards.”, J Econ Entomol, vol. 99, no. 4, pp. 1280-90, 2006.
, “Phosphorus reduction in poultry and dairy manures using mineral amendments.”, Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2006.
, “Physicochemical, Nutritional, and Sensory Qualities of Wine Grape Pomace Fortified Baked Goods”, Journal of Food Science, vol. 79, no. 9, pp. S1811 - S1822, 2014.
, “Physiological impacts of biosolids application in desert grasses”, Environmental and Experimental Botany, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 139 - 148, 2002.
, “Phytoavailability and fractionation of copper, manganese, and zinc in soil following application of two composts to four crops”, Environmental Pollution, vol. 131, no. 2, pp. 187 - 195, 2004.
, “Phytoavailability and Fractionation of Cu, Mn, and Zn in soil following application of two composts to four crops”, Environ. Pollut., vol. 13, pp. 187-195, 2004.
, “Pinot Noir wine composition from different vine vigour zones classified by remote imaging technology.”, Food Chem, vol. 153, pp. 52-9, 2014.
, “Pinot Noir wine composition from different vine vigour zones classified by remote imaging technology.”, Food Chem, vol. 153, pp. 52-9, 2014.
, “Place Orientation and Rural-Urban Interdependence”, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 179 - 204, 2011.
, “Place Orientation and Rural-Urban Interdependence”, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 179 - 204, 2011.
, “Planning and Sowing Grasslands”, in Improving Grassland and Pasture Management in Temperate Agriculture, Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, 2017.
, “Plant genotype and nitrogen loading influence seagrass productivity, biochemistry, and plant–herbivore interactions”, Ecology, vol. 92, no. 9, pp. 1807 - 1817, 2011.
, “The Plant Ontology As A Tool For Comparative Plant Anatomy And Genomic Analyses.”, Plant & Cell Physiology, 2012.
, “The Plant Ontology Database: a community resource for plant structure and developmental stages controlled vocabulary and annotations.”, Nucleic acids research, vol. 36, pp. D449-54, 2008.
, “The Plant Ontology Facilitates Comparisons of Plant Development Stages Across Species.”, Frontiers in plant science, vol. 10, p. 631, 2019.
, “Plant Ontology (PO): a Controlled Vocabulary of Plant Structures and Growth Stages.”, Comparative and functional genomics, vol. 6, pp. 388-97, 2005.