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D. W. Clausnitzer, Borman, M. M., and Johnson, D. E., Competition between Elymus elymoides and Taeniatherum caput-medusae, Weed Science, pp. 720–728, 1999.
D. B. Hannaway, Japhet, K., Ciaffoni, C., Sohn, P., and Dinsmore, M., Forage ID CD-ROM, Oregon State Univ. Spec. Pub. 1999.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Jeliazkova, E. A., Craker, L. E., Yankov, B., Georgieva, T., Kolev, T., Kovatcheva, N., Stanev, S., and Margina, A., HEAVY METAL UPTAKE BY MINT, Acta Horticulturae, no. 500, pp. 111 - 118, 1999.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Jeliazkova, E. A., Craker, L. E., Kovathceva, N., Stanev, S., and Margina, A., Heavy metal uptake by mint, Acta Hort. , vol. 500, pp. 111-117, 1999.
C. E. Weder, Delcurto, T., Svejcar, T., Jaeger, J. R., and Bailey, R. K., Influence of supplemental alfalfa quality on the intake, use, and subsequent performance of beef cattle consuming low-quality roughages., J Anim Sci, vol. 77, no. 5, pp. 1266-76, 1999.
A. Goyer, Decottignies, P., Lemaire, S. D., Ruelland, E., Issakidis-Bourguet, E., Jacquot, J. P., and Miginiac-Maslow, M., The internal Cys-207 of sorghum leaf NADP-malate dehydrogenase can form mixed disulphides with thioredoxin, FEBS Letters, vol. 444, 1999.
E. A. Jeliazkova, Zheljazkov, V. D., Craker, L. E., Yankov, B., and Georgieva, T., NPK FERTILIZER AND YIELDS OF PEPPERMINT, MENTHA X PIPERITA, Acta Horticulturae, no. 502, pp. 231 - 236, 1999.
E. A. Jeliazkova, Zheljazkov, V. D., Craker, L. E., Yankov, B., and Georgieva, T. D., NPK fertilizer and yields of peppermint (Mentha X piperita L.), Acta Hort. , vol. 502, pp. 231-236, 1999.
P. S. Doescher, Goodwin, J., Eddleman, L. E., Miller, R. F., Jaindl, R., and Nasri, M., PERSISTENCE OF IDAHO FESCUE ON DEGRADED JUNIPER/SAGEBRUSH/STEPPE IN CENTRAL OREGON, History, Ecology, and Management, p. 50, 1999.
D. E. Johnson, Surveying, mapping, and monitoring noxious weeds on rangelands, in Biology and management of noxious rangeland weeds, Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press, 1999, p. 438.
K. Japhet, Hannaway, D. B., and Dodrill, S., Who’s Coming to Dinner? . 1999.
K. Japhet, Hannaway, D. B., Shuler, P. E., Niess, M. L., Griffith, S. M., Fick, G. W., and Allen, G. V., World wide web curriculum design using national collaboration, J. of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, vol. 28, 1999.
T. Delcurto and Jaeger, J. R., Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center Annual Report 1998: Evaluation of Days Postpartum on Efficacy of Estrus Synchronization and Artificial Insemination, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
T. Delcurto, Jaeger, J. R., and Stormshak, F., Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center Annual Report 1998: Melatonin to Induce Puberty in Virgin Heifers, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
T. Delcurto and Jaeger, J. R., Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center Annual Report 1998: Post-Partum Prostaglandin Administration Before Estrus Synchronization and Artificial Insemination, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
R. K. Bailey, Delcurto, T., Jaeger, J. R., and Svejcar, T., Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center Annual Report 1998: The Influence of Supplemental Alfalfa Quality on the Intake, Use and Subsequent Performance of Beef Cattle Consuming Low-Quality Forages, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
M. Kleber, Jian-Ping, H., and Stahr, K., Microbial biomass C- and N-dynamics in grassland soils amended with liquid manure, Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 87 - 92, 1998.
K. Japhet, Hannaway, D. B., Shuler, P. E., Niess, M. L., Griffith, S. M., Fick, G. W., and Allen, G. V., National Forage Curriculum. 1998.
N. R. Harris, Johnson, D. E., and Tibbs, T. M., Special Report 994: A Catherine Creek Study-Perspectives, 1995-1998: An Update on the Catherine Creek Riparian Study, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.