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R. A. Campbell, Gales, N. J., Lento, G. M., and Baker, C. S., Islands in the sea: extreme female natal site fidelity in the Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea, Biology Letters, vol. 4776923412139744912311137481149106, no. 19443, pp. 139 - 142, 2008.
G. D. Boxall, Giannico, G. R., and Li, H. W., Landscape topography and the distribution of Lahontan cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi) in a high desert stream, Environmental Biology of Fishes, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 71 - 84, 2008.
J. Lim, Urban, L., and Green, B. G., Measures of individual differences in taste and creaminess perception, Chemical senses, vol. 33, pp. 493–501, 2008.
A. Ammerman, Flourentzos, P., Gabrielle, R., McCartney, C., Noller, J. S., Peloso, D., and Sorabji, D., More on the new early sites on Cyprus: Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus, 2008.
C. A. Huset, Chiaia, A. C., Barofsky, D. F., Jonkers, N., Kohler, H. - P. E., Ort, C., Giger, W., and Field, J., Occurrence and mass flows of fluorochemicals in the Glatt Valley watershed, Switzerland, Environmental science & technology, vol. 42, pp. 6369–6377, 2008.
I. ögel-Knabner, Guggenberger, G., Kleber, M., Kandeler, E., Kalbitz, K., Scheu, S., Eusterhues, K., and Leinweber, P., Organo-mineral associations in temperate soils: Integrating biology, mineralogy, and organic matter chemistry, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 61 - 82, 2008.
J. Parke, Pscheidt, J., Regan, R., Hedberg, J., and Grunwald, N., Phytophthora Online Course: Training for Nursery Growers., 2008. [Online]. Available:
J. Parke, Pscheidt, J., Regan, R., Hedberg, J., and Grunwald, N., Phytophthora Online Course: Training for Nursery Growers.. 2008.
A. Waldkirch and Gopinath, M., Pollution control and foreign direct investment in Mexico: an industry-level analysis, Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 41, pp. 289–313, 2008.
A. C. Yost, Petersen, S. L., Gregg, M. A., and Miller, R. F., Predictive modeling and mapping sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) nesting habitat using Maximum Entropy and a long-term dataset from Southern Oregon, Ecological Informatics, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 375 - 386, 2008.
K. B. Moffett, Tyler, S. W., Torgersen, T., Menon, M., Selker, J., and Gorelick, S. M., Processes controlling the thermal regime of saltmarsh channel beds, Environmental science & technology, vol. 42, pp. 671–676, 2008.
A. Paul Gutierrez, Daane, K. M., Ponti, L., Walton, V. M., and C. Ellis, K., Prospective evaluation of the biological control of vine mealybug: refuge effects and climate, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 45, no. 212, pp. 524 - 536, 2008.
J. D. Bates, Bingham, B. S., Bohnert, D. W., Boyd, C. S., Buckhouse, J., Carpinelli, M. F., Davies, K. W., Deboodt, T., Doescher, P. S., Fisher, M. J., Ganskopp, D. C., Hardegree, S. P., Johnson, D. W., Krueger-Mangold, J. M., Miller, R. F., Pierson, F. B., Ratchford, J., Rhodes, E. C., Sharp, R. N., Sheley, R., Svejcar, T., Vasquez, E. A., and Young, K., Range Field Day Progress Report - 2008 EOARC, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2008.
J. D. Bates, Bingham, B. S., Bohnert, D. W., Boyd, C. S., Buckhouse, J., Carpinelli, M. F., Davies, K. W., Deboodt, T., Doescher, P. S., Fisher, M. J., Ganskopp, D. C., Hardegree, S. P., Johnson, D. W., Krueger-Mangold, J. M., Miller, R. F., Pierson, F. B., Ratchford, J., Rhodes, E. C., Sharp, R. N., Sheley, R., Svejcar, T., Vasquez, E. A., and Young, K., Range Field Day Progress Report - 2008 EOARC, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2008.
J. A. Henning, Haunold, A., Townsend, M. S., Gent, D. H., and Parker, T. B., Registration of ‘Teamaker’ Hop, Journal of Plant Registrations, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 13, 2008.
H. Min, Gopinath, M., Buccola, S., and McEvoy, P. B., Rent-Seeking in Invasive Species Regulation: The Case of Noxious Weeds, Land Economics, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 306 - 326, 2008.
H. Min, Gopinath, M., Buccola, S., and McEvoy, P. B., Rent-seeking in invasive species regulation: The case of noxious weeds, Land Economics, vol. 84, pp. 306–326, 2008.
R. Sheley, Mangold, J., Goodwin, K., and Marks, J., Revegetation guidelines for the Great Basin: considering invasive weeds. US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, 2008.
T. Beechie, Pess, G., Roni, P., and Giannico, G. R., Setting River Restoration Priorities: A Review of Approaches and a General Protocol for Identifying and Prioritizing Actions, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 891 - 905, 2008.
T. R. Roth, Selker, J., Westhoff, M. C., Gabrielli, J., Huwald, H., and Parlange, M., Small scale stream restoration simulation and response on stream temperature using a physically based temperature model, in 2008 Joint Meeting of The Geological Society of America, 2008.
E. J. Berry, Gorchov, D. L., Endress, B. A., and Stevens, M. Henry H., Source-sink dynamics within a plant population: the impact of substrate and herbivory on palm demography, Population Ecology, vol. 50, pp. 63–77, 2008.
E. J. Berry, Gorchov, D. L., Endress, B. A., and Stevens, M. Henry H., Source-sink dynamics within a plant population: the impact of substrate and herbivory on palm demography, Population Ecology, no. 1, pp. 63 - 77, 2008.
J. Parke, Grünwald, N., and Lewis, C., Tracing the path of pathogens, Digger, 2008.
J. Gervais, Tropical Conservation Biology, , Environmental Conservation, vol. 35, no. 04, p. 363, 2008.
J. Ruan, Gopinath, M., and Buccola, S., Welfare Effects of Technological Convergence in Processed Food Industries, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 447 - 462, 2008.