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“Developmental and behavioral alterations in zebrafish embryonically exposed to valproic acid (VPA): An aquatic model for autism”, Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 66, 2018.
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, “Development of microsatellite markers for the rapid and reliable genotyping of Brettanomyces bruxellensis at strain level.”, Food Microbiol, vol. 42, pp. 188-95, 2014.
, “Development of microsatellite marker loci for European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) from ISSR fragments”, Molecular Breeding, vol. 26, pp. 551-559, 2010.
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, “Development of an Inoculation System for Studying Mycorrhizal Effects in Highbush Blueberry”, Journal of Small Fruit & Viticulture, vol. 328244, no. 4, pp. 193 - 201, 1996.
, “Development, characterization, segregation, and mapping of microsatellite markers for European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) from enriched genomic libraries and usefulness in genetic diversity studies”, Tree Genetics and Genomes, vol. 6, pp. 513-531, 2010.
, “Development and transferability of black and red raspberry microsatellite markers from short-read sequences”, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, vol. 140, pp. 243–252, 2015.
, “Developing Fact Sheets for Diverse Audiences”, Journal of Pesticide Safety Education, vol. 13, pp. 6–13, 2011.
, “Developing a Novel Embryo–Larval Zebrafish Xenograft Assay to Prioritize Human Glioblastoma Therapeutics”, Zebrafish, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 317 - 329, 2016.
, “Developing a Novel Embryo-Larval Zebrafish Xenograft Assay to Prioritize Human Glioblastoma Therapeutics.”, Zebrafish, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 317-29, 2016.
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, “Determination of Testicular Blood Flow in Camelids Using Vascular Casting and Color Pulsed-Wave Doppler Ultrasonography”, Veterinary Medicine International, vol. 201116165742435222515115212923710817030671564, no. 43188622352411253121, pp. 1 - 7, 2011.
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, “Determination of a threshold for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) toxicosis in cattle consuming endophyte-infected perennial ryegrass straw over 64 days”, Livestock Science , vol. 250, 2021.
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, “Denitrification and Nitrate Consumption in an Herbaceous Riparian Area and Perennial Ryegrass Seed Cropping System”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 72, no. 5, p. 1299, 2008.
, “Demography with Drones: Detecting Growth and Survival of Shrubs with Unoccupied Aerial Systems”, Restoration Ecology, 2024.
, “Demography and ecology of southern right whales Eubalaena australis wintering at sub-Antarctic Campbell Island, New Zealand”, Polar Biology, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 95 - 106, 2017.
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, “Delayed conifer mortality after fuel reduction treatments: interactive effects of fuel, fire intensity, and bark beetles”, Ecological Applications, vol. 1910398751875397515040199, no. 2, pp. 321 - 337, 2009.
, “Defoliation of Thurber Needlegrass: Herbage and Root Responses”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 41, no. 6, p. 472, 1988.
, “Decomposition of Genetically Engineered Tobacco Under Field Conditions: Persistence of the Proteinase Inhibitor I Product and Effects on Soil Microbial Respiration and Protozoa, Nematode and Microarthropod Populations”, The Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 34, no. 3, p. 767, 1997.
, “Decomposition and Plant-Available Nitrogen in Biosolids”, Journal of Environment Quality, vol. 32, no. 4, p. 1498, 2003.