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Y. Hui, Meunier-Goddik, L., Hansen, √Ö. Solvejg, Josephsen, J., Nip, W. - K., Stanfield, P., and Toldra, F., Eds., Handbook of Food and Beverage Fermentation Technology. CRC Press, 2003.
M. - Y. Choi, Fuerst, E. - J., Rafaeli, A., and Jurenka, R., Identification of a G protein-coupled receptor for pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide from pheromone glands of the moth Helicoverpa zea, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 100, no. 17466149061611954616317151413679168061-3, pp. 9721 - 9726, 2003.
D. Damiran, Delcurto, T., Findholt, S. L., Pulsipher, G. D., and Johnson, B. K., Influence of previous cattle and elk grazing on the subsequent quality and quantity of diets for cattle, deer and elk grazing late-summer mixed-conifer rangelands, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci., vol. 54, pp. 320-324, 2003.
K. A. Rykbost, James, S. R., Mosley, A. R., Charlton, B. A., Hane, D. C., Eldredge, E., Voss, R., Johansen, R. H., Love, S. L., Thornton, R. E., and Shock, C. C., Modoc: A potato variety with bright red skin and early maturity for fresh market, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 235 - 240, 2003.
K. A. Rykbost, James, S. R., Mosley, A. R., Charlton, B. A., Hane, D. C., Eldredge, E., Voss, R., Johansen, R. H., Love, S. L., Thornton, R. E., and Shock, C. C., Modoc: A potato variety with bright red skin and early maturity for fresh market, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 235 - 240, 2003.
E. M. Paslay, Jaeger, J. R., Salli, U., and Stormshak, F., Ovarian function in ewes after treatment with mifepristone early during the oestrous cycle., Reproduction, vol. 125, no. 2, pp. 205-10, 2003.
M. Kleber, Röner, J., Chenu, C., Glaser, B., Knicker, H., and Jahn, R., PREHISTORIC ALTERATION OF SOIL PROPERTIES IN A CENTRAL GERMAN CHERNOZEMIC SOIL, Soil Science, vol. 168, no. 4, pp. 292 - 306, 2003.
M. Grabe, Kleber, M., Hartmann, örg, and Jahn, R., Preparing a soil carbon inventory of Saxony-Anhalt, Central Germany using GIS and the state soil data base SABO_P, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, vol. 166, no. 5, pp. 642 - 648, 2003.
S. Y. James, Lin, F., Kolluri, S., Dawson, M. I., and Zhang, X. -kun, Regulation of retinoic acid receptor $\beta$ expression by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor $\gamma$ ligands in cancer cells, Cancer Research, vol. 63, pp. 3531–3538, 2003.
M. Kahle, Kleber, M., and Jahn, R., Retention of dissolved organic matter by illitic soils and clay fractions: Influence of mineral phase properties, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, vol. 166, no. 6, pp. 737 - 741, 2003.
R. A. Jurenka, Subchev, M., Abad, J. - L., Choi, M. - Y., and Fabrias, G., Sex pheromone biosynthetic pathway for disparlure in the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 100, no. 33953323262101, pp. 809 - 814, 2003.
D. B. Buchwalter, Jenkins, J. J., and Curtis, L. R., Temperature influences on water permeability and chlorpyrifos uptake in aquatic insects with differing respiratory strategies., Environ Toxicol Chem, vol. 22, no. 11, pp. 2806-12, 2003.
H. B. Runes, Jenkins, J. J., Moore, J. A., Bottomley, P. J., and Wilson, B. D., Treatment of atrazine in nursery irrigation runoff by a constructed wetland., Water Res, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 539-50, 2003.
C. C. Shock, Feibert, E. B. G., Saunders, L. D., and James, S. R., Umatilla Russet and Russet Legend potato yield and quality response to irrigation, HortScience, 2003.
B. A. I. Shujuan, GAO, L., Youngberg, H., Hannaway, D. B., and Japhet, K., Using Improved Forages for Fish Feed. 2003.
B. A. I. Shujuan, Liangzhi, G. A. O., Youngberg, H., Hannaway, D. B., and Japhet, K., Using Oregon Cool-Season Forages for Fish Production in China. 2003.
D. E. Johnson, Vulfson, M., Louhaichi, M., and Harris, N. R., VegMeasure Version 1.6 User’s Manual, VegMeasure Project. Department of Rangeland Resources, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2003.
D. C. Hane, Mosley, A. R., James, S. R., Rykbost, K. A., Shock, C. C., Love, S. L., Corsini, D. L., Pavek, J. J., Thornton, R. E., Charlton, B. A., Eldredge, E. P., and Yilma, S., Wallowa Russet: A full season long Russet for processing and fresh market, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 8069, no. 4, pp. 289 - 294, 2003.
D. Winkler, J., W., and Fallan, K., Writing Local Plans. A 30 minute video supporting the Writing Local Plans Training Manual for Creating the Planning Process to aid counties in developing their own county plans., 2003.