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“The effects of harvesting Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) on the offshore community : the results of a multi-species model”, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1994.
, “Register of New Fruit and Nut Cultivars List 48: Blackberry”, HortScience, vol. 51, pp. 622–624, 2016.
, “Triclosan Exposure Is Associated with Rapid Restructuring of the Microbiome in Adult Zebrafish.”, PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 5, p. e0154632, 2016.
, “Triclosan Exposure Is Associated with Rapid Restructuring of the Microbiome in Adult Zebrafish.”, PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 5, 2016.
, “Triclosan Exposure Is Associated with Rapid Restructuring of the Microbiome in Adult Zebrafish”, PLOS ONE, no. 5SupplSupplSuppl, p. e0154632, 2016.
, Evaluation of Embryotoxicity Using the Zebrafish Model, vol. 691. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2010, pp. 271 - 279.
, “Steam distillation extraction kinetics regression models to predict essential oil yield, composition, and bioactivity of chamomile oil ”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 58, pp. 61-67, 2014.
, “Dual extraction of essential oil and podophyllotoxin from Juniperus virginiana”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 276 - 280, 2009.
, “Bioprospection of Eastern red cedar from nine physiographic regions in Mississippi”, Ind. Crop Prod. , vol. 30, pp. 59-64, 2009.
, “Bioprospection of Juniperus virginiana for production of the anti-cancer drug podophyllotoxin”, Planta Medica, vol. 74, no. 03, 2008.
, “Steam distillation extraction kinetics regression models to predict essential oil yield, composition, and bioactivity of chamomile oil”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 58, pp. 61 - 67, 2014.
, “Dual extraction of essential oil and podophyllotoxin from Juniperus virginiana”, Ind. Crop Prod. , vol. 30, pp. 276-280, 2009.
, “Dual extraction for secondary metabolites from Juniperus virginiana”, Ind. Crops Prod, vol. 30, 2009.
, “Bioprospection of Eastern red cedar from nine physiographic regions in Mississippi”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 59 - 64, 2009.
, “Use of Kendall's coefficient of concordance to assess agreement among observers of very high resolution imagery”, Geocarto International, vol. 287961758123396060107514141046623828251518189035, no. 6, pp. 517 - 526, 2013.
, “Systematic developmental neurotoxicity assessment of a representative PAH Superfund mixture using zebrafish.”, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 354, pp. 115-125, 2018.
, “Comparative developmental toxicity of a comprehensive suite of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.”, Arch Toxicol, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 571-586, 2018.
, “Tools for building de novo transcriptome assembly”, Current Plant Biology, vol. 11-12, pp. 41 - 45, 2017.
, “Effects of powdery mildew fungicide programs on twospotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae), hop aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and their natural enemies in hop yards.”, J Econ Entomol, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 274-86, 2009.
, “Classifying Public Land Grazing Permittees”, J. Range Manage, vol. 55, pp. 2-11, 2002.
, “Sources and fate of chiral organochlorine pesticides in western U.S. National Park ecosystems”, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 1533 - 1538, 2011.
, “Crop Production”, HORTSCIENCE, vol. 45, no. 9, 2010.
, “Mono-substituted isopropylated triaryl phosphate, a major component of Firemaster 550, is an AHR agonist that exhibits AHR-independent cardiotoxicity in zebrafish”, Aquatic Toxicology, vol. 154, pp. 71 - 79, 2014.
, “Mono-substituted isopropylated triaryl phosphate, a major component of Firemaster 550, is an AHR agonist that exhibits AHR-independent cardiotoxicity in zebrafish.”, Aquat Toxicol, vol. 154, pp. 71-9, 2014.
, “Mono-substituted isopropylated triaryl phosphate, a major component of Firemaster 550, is an AHR agonist that exhibits AHR-independent cardiotoxicity in zebrafish”, Aquatic Toxicology, vol. 154, pp. 71–79, 2014.