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D. Damiran, Delcurto, T., Findholt, S. L., Johnson, B. K., and Vavra, M., Comparison of Bite-Count and Rumen Evacuation Techniques to Estimate Cattle Diet Quality, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 106 - 109, 2013.
J. Jung and Zhao, Y., Comparison in antioxidant action between α-chitosan and β-chitosan at a wide range of molecular weight and chitosan concentration, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 2905 - 2911, 2012.
J. Jung and Zhao, Y., Comparison in antioxidant action between α-chitosan and β-chitosan at a wide range of molecular weight and chitosan concentration., Bioorg Med Chem, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 2905-11, 2012.
G. S. Murthy, Johnston, D., and Singh, V., Comparision of dry and wet milling degerm defiber processes for ethanol production, Proc. American Association of Cereal Chemists. Abstract, 2004.
J. F. Sandahl, Baldwin, D. H., Jenkins, J. J., and Scholz, N. L., Comparative thresholds for acetylcholinesterase inhibition and behavioral impairment in coho salmon exposed to chlorpyrifos., Environ Toxicol Chem, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 136-45, 2005.
S. Schaeffer, Harper, A., Raja, R., Jaiswal, P., and Dhingra, A., Comparative analysis of predicted plastid-targeted proteomes of sequenced higher plant genomes., PloS one, vol. 9, p. e112870, 2014.
C. E. Finn, Strik, B. C., Yorgey, B. M., Peterson, M. E., Jones, P. A., and Martin, R. R., ‘Columbia Sunrise’ Thornless Trailing Blackberry, HortScience, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 256 - 260, 2018.
C. E. Finn, Strik, B. C., Yorgey, B. M., Peterson, M. E., Jones, P. A., Lee, J., and Martin, R. R., ‘Columbia Giant’ Thornless Trailing Blackberry, HortScience, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 251 - 255, 2018.
C. J. Jack, Lucas, H. M., Webster, T. C., and Sagili, R., Colony level prevalence and intensity of Nosema ceranae in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), PloS one, vol. 11, p. e0163522, 2016.
C. S. Boyd and Johnson, D. D., Collaboration as a Path Forward on Western Rangelands, Progressive Cattleman, no. 7, pp. 26-27, 2018.
M. T. Pino, Skinner, J. S., Jeknic, Z., Park, E. J., Hayes, P. M., and Chen, T. H. H., Cold hardiness in plants: molecular genetics, cell biology and physiology. Seventh International Plant Cold Hardiness Seminar, Sapporo, Japan, 10-15 July 2004Ectopic overexpression of AtCBF1 in potato enhances freezing tolerance. Wallingford: CABI, 2006, pp. 103 - 123.
H. Y. Sintim, Jeliazkov, V., Foley, M. E., and Evangelista, R. L., Coal-Bed Methane Water: Effects on Soil Properties and Camelina Productivity, Journal of Environment Quality, vol. 46, no. 3, p. 641, 2017.
K. R. Palmquist, Jenkins, J. J., and Jepson, P., Clutch morphology and the timing of exposure impact the susceptibility of aquatic insect eggs to esfenvalerate, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 27, pp. 1713–1720, 2008.
K. R. Palmquist, Jenkins, J. J., and Jepson, P., Clutch morphology and the timing of exposure impact the susceptibility of aquatic insect eggs to esfenvalerate, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 27, pp. 1713–1720, 2008.
Z. Jeknić, Morré, J. T., Jeknić, S., Jevremović, S., Subotić, A., and Chen, T. H. H., Cloning and functional characterization of a gene for capsanthin-capsorubin synthase from tiger lily (Lilium lancifolium Thunb. 'Splendens')., Plant Cell Physiol, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 1899-912, 2012.
Z. Jeknić, Morré, J. T., Jeknić, S., Jevremović, S., Subotić, A., and Chen, T. H. H., Cloning and functional characterization of a gene for capsanthin-capsorubin synthase from tiger lily (Lilium lancifolium Thunb. 'Splendens')., Plant Cell Physiol, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 1899-912, 2012.
Z. Jeknić, Morré, J. T., Jeknić, S., Jevremović, S., Subotić, A., and Chen, T. H. H., Cloning and functional characterization of a gene for capsanthin-capsorubin synthase from tiger lily (Lilium lancifolium Thunb. 'Splendens')., Plant Cell Physiol, vol. 53, no. 11, pp. 1899-912, 2012.
R. Daetz, Cunha, F., Bittar, J. H., Risco, C. A., Magalhaes, F., Maeda, Y., Santos, J. E. P., Jeong, K. C., Cooke, R. F., and ão, K. N., Clinical response after chitosan microparticle administration and preliminary assessment of efficacy in preventing metritis in lactating dairy cows, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 99, no. 11, pp. 8946 - 8955, 2016.
D. Bachelet, Johnson, B. R., Bridgham, S. D., Dunn, P. V., Anderson, H. E., and Rogers, B. M., Climate change impacts on western Pacific Northwest prairies and savannas, Northwest Science, vol. 85, pp. 411–429, 2011.
D. M. Hall, Camilo, G. R., Tonietto, R. K., Ollerton, J., é, K., Arduser, M., Ascher, J. S., Baldock, K. C. R., Fowler, R., Frankie, G., Goulson, D., Gunnarsson, B., Hanley, M. E., Jackson, J. I., Langellotto, G., Lowenstein, D., Minor, E. S., Philpott, S. M., Potts, S. G., Sirohi, M. H., Spevak, E. M., Stone, G. N., and Threlfall, C. G., The city as a refuge for insect pollinators, Conservation Biology, no. 1e23459, pp. 24 - 29, 2017.
R. Jibran, Dzierzon, H., Bassil, N., Bushakra, J. M., Edger, P. P., Sullivan, S., Finn, C. E., Dossett, M., Vining, K. J., VanBuren, R., Mockler, T. C., Liachko, I., Davies, K. M., Foster, T. M., and é, D., Chromosome-scale scaffolding of the black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.) genome based on chromatin interaction data, Horticulture Research, vol. 543454916495853264245923387326253114211196214314092147012615281102934355, no. 1, 2018.
R. Jibran, Dzierzon, H., Bassil, N., Bushakra, J. M., Edger, P. P., Sullivan, S., Finn, C. E., Dossett, M., Vining, K. J., VanBuren, R., Mockler, T. C., Liachko, I., Davies, K. M., Foster, T. M., and Chagné, D., Chromosome-scale scaffolding of the black raspberry ( L.) genome based on chromatin interaction data., Hortic Res, vol. 5, p. 8, 2018.
J. Duan, Jiang, Y., and Zhao, Y., Chitosan-whey protein isolate composite films for encapsulation and stabilization of fish oil containing ultra pure omega-3 fatty acids., J Food Sci, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. C133-41, 2011.
W. Wang, Jung, J., and Zhao, Y., Chitosan-cellulose nanocrystal microencapsulation to improve encapsulation efficiency and stability of entrapped fruit anthocyanins., Carbohydr Polym, vol. 157, pp. 1246-1253, 2017.
P. Gupta, Geniza, M., Naithani, S., Phillips, J. L., Haq, E., and Jaiswal, P., Chia () Gene Expression Atlas Elucidates Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Changes Associated With Plant Growth and Development., Front Plant Sci, vol. 12, p. 667678, 2021.