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Journal Article
J. Bautista-Ortega, Goeger, D. E., and Cherian, G., Egg yolk omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids modify tissue lipid components, antioxidant status, and ex vivo eicosanoid production in chick cardiac tissue, Poultry Science, vol. 88, no. 6, pp. 1167 - 1175, 2009.
K. Donegan, Fieland, V., Fowles, N., Ganio, L., and Seidler, R., Efficacy of burning, tillage, and biocides in controlling bacteria released at field sites and effects on indigenous bacteria and fungi., Appl Environ Microbiol, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1207-14, 1992.
R. McDonnell, Paine, T. D., Mulkeen, C. J., and Gormally, M. J., Effects of temperature and prey availability on the malacophagous larval stage of Sepedon spinipes (Scopoli) (Diptera: Sciomyzidae): Potential biocontrol for gastropod vectors of parasitic diseases, Biological Control, vol. 70, pp. 42–47, 2014.
R. J. Mc Donnell, Paine, T. D., Mulkeen, C. J., and Gormally, M. J., Effects of temperature and prey availability on the malacophagous larval stage of Sepedon spinipes (Scopoli) (Diptera: Sciomyzidae): Potential biocontrol for gastropod vectors of parasitic diseases, Biological Control, vol. 70, pp. 42 - 47, 2014.
D. K. Blount, Angell, R. F., Turner, H. A., Weber, D. W., Lusby, K. S., and Guthrie, L. D., Effects of Strip Versus Continuous Grazing on Diet Parameters and Performance of Steers Grazing Eastern Oregon Native Flood Meadows1, The Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 41 - 48, 1991.
E. R. Burns, Selker, J., Parlange, J. - Y., and Guenther, R. B., Effects of sodium chloride on constitutive relations in variably saturated porous media, Water resources research, vol. 42, 2006.
Y. Fan, Richard, F. - J., Rouf, N., and Grozinger, C. M., Effects of queen mandibular pheromone on nestmate recognition in worker honeybees, Apis mellifera, Animal Behaviour, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 649 - 656, 2010.
A. Burkhardt, Gawde, A., Cantrell, C. L., Baxter, H. L., Joyce, B. L., C. Stewart, Jr., N., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Effects of Produced Water on Soil Characteristics, Plant Biomass, and Secondary Metabolites, Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 44, p. 1938, 2015.
A. Burkhardt, Gawde, A., Cantrell, C. L., Baxter, H. L., Joyce, B. L., C. Stewart, Jr., N., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Effects of produced water on soil characteristics, plant biomass, and secondary metabolites, Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 44, pp. 1938-1947, 2015.
D. H. Gent, James, D. G., Wright, L. C., Brooks, D. J., Barbour, J. D., Dreves, A. J., Fisher, G. C., and Walton, V. M., Effects of powdery mildew fungicide programs on twospotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae), hop aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and their natural enemies in hop yards., J Econ Entomol, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 274-86, 2009.
A. DuVal, Chastain, T., and Garbacik, C. J., Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on seed yield and yield components in yellow mustard, Seed Production Research, 2014.
J. A. Gervais, Griffith, S. M., Davis, J. H., Cassidy, J. R., and Dragila, M. I., Effects of Gray-tailed Vole Activity on Soil Properties, Northwest Science, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 159 - 169, 2010.
J. A. Gervais, Griffith, S. M., Davis, J. H., Cassidy, J. R., and Dragila, M. I., Effects of Gray-tailed Vole Activity on Soil Properties, Northwest Science, vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 159 - 169, 2010.
J. A. Hall, Bobe, G., Vorachek, W. R., ,, M. Gorman, E., Mosher, W. D., and Pirelli, G. J., Effects of Feeding Selenium-Enriched Alfalfa Hay on Immunity and Health of Weaned Beef Calves, Biological Trace Element Research, vol. 1566050160154916642220354378651648287303254937710969769087368711495676917461616894551887642144217904909214271176532701216167, no. 1-32108–9151515111323–411056632013–41–225253921444834411212911–32623242125525, pp. 96 - 110, 2013.
T. Leiva, Cooke, R. F., Aboin, A. Cossolino, Drago, F. L., Gennari, R., and Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Effects of excessive energy intake and supplementation with chromium propionate on insulin resistance parameters in nonlactating dairy cows, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 775 - 782, 2014.
M. L. Merrill, Bohnert, D. W., Ganskopp, D. C., Johnson, D. D., and Falck, S. J., Effects of Early Weaning on Cow Performance, Grazing Behavior, and Winter Feed Costs in the Intermountain West, The Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 121-124, 2008.
F. - X. Wang, Wu, X. - X., Shock, C. C., Chu, L. - Y., Gu, X. - X., and Xue, X., Effects of drip irrigation regimes on potato tuber yield and quality under plastic mulch in arid Northwestern China, Field Crops Research, vol. 122, no. 1, pp. 78 - 84, 2011.
A. DuVal, Chastain, T., and Garbacik, C. J., Effects of applied nitrogen on yellow mustard seed production in the Willamette Valley, Seed Production Research, 2016.
C. E. Donovan, Grossman, J. L., Patton, K. M., Lamb, S. V., Bobe, G., and Kutzler, M. A., Effects of a Commercial Canine Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Vaccination on Intact Male Llamas and Alpacas, Journal of Vaccines, vol. 201366878577878654921208105124115, no. 2911553612165, pp. 1 - 7, 2013.
L. P. Daley, Kutzler, M. A., Bennett, B. W., Smith, M. C., Glaser, A. L., and Appleton, J. A., Effector Functions of Camelid Heavy-Chain Antibodies in Immunity to West Nile Virus, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 239 - 246, 2010.
G. R. Giannico and Hinch, S. G., The effect of wood and temperature on juvenile coho salmon winter movement, growth, density and survival in side-channels, River Research and Applications, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 219 - 231, 2003.
L. Wang, Niu, S., Good, S. P., Soderberg, K., McCabe, M. F., Sherry, R. A., Luo, Y., Zhou, X., Xia, J., and Caylor, K. K., The effect of warming on grassland evapotranspiration partitioning using laser-based isotope monitoring techniques, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013.
L. Wang, Niu, S., Good, S. P., Soderberg, K., McCabe, M. F., Sherry, R. A., Luo, Y., Zhou, X., Xia, J., and Caylor, K. K., The effect of warming on grassland evapotranspiration partitioning using laser-based isotope monitoring techniques, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 111, pp. 28 - 38, 2013.
K. Soderberg, Sherry, R. A., Good, S. P., Niu, S., Zhou, X., McCabe, M. F., Xia, J., Wang, L., Luo, Y., and Caylor, K. K., The effect of warming on grassland evapotranspiration partitioning using laser-based isotope monitoring techniques, 2013.
A. Burkhardt, Gawde, A., Cantrell, C. L., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Effect of varying ratios of produced water and municipal water on soil characteristics, plant biomass, and secondary metabolites of Artemisia annua and Panicum virgatum, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 76, pp. 987-994, 2015.