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“Persistence of soil organic matter as an ecosystem property”, Nature, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 49 - 56, 2011.
, “Persistent organic contaminants in Saharan dust air masses in West Africa, Cape Verde and the eastern Caribbean”, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 468-469, pp. 530 - 543, 2014.
, “Persistent organic contaminants in Saharan dust air masses in West Africa, Cape Verde and the eastern Caribbean”, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 468-469, pp. 530 - 543, 2014.
, “Phenanthrene and fluorene-mediated early developmental toxicity in zebrafish.”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, vol. 19, pp. 57–62, 2010.
“Phenotypic variability in a panel of strawberry cultivars from North America and the European Union”, J Am Pomol Soc, vol. 69, pp. 85–101, 2015.
“Phenotypic variation for diastatic power, beta-amylase activity and thermostability vs. Bmy1 allelic variation in North American barley”, Crop Science, 2010.
, “Pheromone biosynthetic pathways in the moths Heliothis subflexa and Heliothis virescens”, Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 53 - 58, 2005.
, “Phospholipid enrichment in sweet and whey cream buttermilk powders using supercritical fluid extraction.”, J Dairy Sci, vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 2373-81, 2009.
, “The Phosphorylation State of Translation Initiation Factors Is Regulated Developmentally and following Heat Shock in Wheat”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 272, no. 2, pp. 1046 - 1053, 1997.
, “The phosphorylation state of translation initiation factors is regulated developmentally and following heat shock in wheat”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 272, pp. 1046–1053, 1997.
, “Photo-identification of humpback whales in New Zealand waters and their migratory connections to breeding grounds of Oceania”, Marine Mammal Science, 2007.
, “Phylogenetic identification and population differentiation of bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops spp.) in Melanesia, as revealed by mitochondrial DNA”, Marine Mammal Science, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1035 - 1056, 2015.
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, “A phylogenetically conserved sequence within viral 3'untranslated RNA pseudoknots regulates translation.”, Molecular and Cellular Biology, vol. 13, pp. 5331–5347, 1993.
, “Physical and chemical methods to control bacteria released at field sites and the effects on indigenous bacteria and fungi”, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Seattle, WA, 1991.
, “Physiologic, health, and production responses of dairy cows supplemented with an immunomodulatory feed ingredient during the transition period”, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 99, no. 7, pp. 5562 - 5572, 2016.
, “Physiologic Responses Following Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Immunization in Intact Male Dogs”, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol. 4784108535212525, pp. 403 - 405, 2012.
, Phytochemicals, Plant Growth, and the EnvironmentAn Analytical Method to Quantify Three Plant Hormone Families in Grape Berry Using Liquid Chromatography and Multiple Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2012, pp. 19 - 36.
, Phytochemicals, Plant Growth, and the EnvironmentAn Analytical Method to Quantify Three Plant Hormone Families in Grape Berry Using Liquid Chromatography and Multiple Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2012, pp. 19 - 36.
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“Planning Tours as Part of a Professional Conference: Lessons Learned”, JOURNAL OF EXTENSION, vol. 56, 2018.
, “Plant growth regulator and irrigation effects on physiological and harvest maturity of red clover in relation to seed quality”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1-9, 2019.