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L. Truong, Reif, D. M., St Mary, L., Geier, M. C., Truong, H. D., and Tanguay, R. L., Multidimensional In Vivo Hazard Assessment Using Zebrafish, Toxicological Sciences, vol. 137, no. 1, pp. 212 - 233, 2013.
L. Truong, Reif, D. M., St Mary, L., Geier, M. C., Truong, H. D., and Tanguay, R. L., Multidimensional in vivo hazard assessment using zebrafish., Toxicol Sci, vol. 137, no. 1, pp. 212-33, 2014.
L. Gutiérrez, Germán, S., Pereyra, S., Hayes, P. M., Pérez, C. A., Capettini, F., Locatelli, A., Berberian, N. M., Falconi, E. E., Estrada, R., Fros, D., Gonza, V., Altamirano, H., Huerta-Espino, J., Neyra, E., Orjeda, G., Sandoval-Islas, S., Singh, R., Turkington, K., and Castro, A. J., Multi-environment multi-QTL association mapping identifies disease resistance QTL in barley germplasm from Latin America, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 128, pp. 501 - 516, 2015.
L. Gutiérrez, Germán, S., Pereyra, S., Hayes, P. M., Pérez, C. A., Capettini, F., Locatelli, A., Berberian, N. M., Falconi, E. E., Estrada, R., Fros, D., Gonza, V., Altamirano, H., Huerta-Espino, J., Neyra, E., Orjeda, G., Sandoval-Islas, S., Singh, R., Turkington, K., and Castro, A. J., Multi-environment multi-QTL association mapping identifies disease resistance QTL in barley germplasm from Latin America, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 128, pp. 501 - 516, 2015.
L. Gutiérrez, Germán, S., Pereyra, S., Hayes, P. M., Pérez, C. A., Capettini, F., Locatelli, A., Berberian, N. M., Falconi, E. E., Estrada, R., Fros, D., Gonza, V., Altamirano, H., Huerta-Espino, J., Neyra, E., Orjeda, G., Sandoval-Islas, S., Singh, R., Turkington, K., and Castro, A. J., Multi-environment multi-QTL association mapping identifies disease resistance QTL in barley germplasm from Latin America, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 128, pp. 501 - 516, 2015.
R. I. Papendick, Sanchez, P. A., Triplett, G. B., Gomm, F. Bryant, Sneva, F. A., and Lorenz, R. J., Multiple Cropping: Multiple Cropping in the Western United States. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, 1976.
M. O'Connor, Good, S. P., and Caylor, K. K., A multi-year record of flux measurements in East Africa: coupling eddy-covariance with high-frequency water isotope observations, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
V. Gourineni, Shay, N. F., Chung, S., Sandhu, A. K., and Gu, L., Muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia) and wine phytochemicals prevented obesity-associated metabolic complications in C57BL/6J mice., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 60, no. 31, pp. 7674-81, 2012.
V. Gourineni, Shay, N. F., Chung, S., Sandhu, A. K., and Gu, L., Muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia) and wine phytochemicals prevented obesity-associated metabolic complications in C57BL/6J mice., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 60, no. 31, pp. 7674-81, 2012.
W. Qiang Yang, Goulart, B. L., and Demchak, K., Mycorrhizal infection and plant growth of highbush blueberry in fumigated soil following soil amendment and inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi, HortScience, vol. 33, pp. 1136–1137, 1998.
A. C. Dilger, Gabriel, S. R., Kutzler, L. W., McKeith, F. K., and Killefer, J., The myostatin null mutation and clenbuterol administration elicit additive effects in mice, animal, vol. 4261379250707761098025, no. 03, pp. 466 - 471, 2010.
J. E. Herrick, Lessard, V. C., Spaeth, K. E., Shaver, P. L., Dayton, R. S., Pyke, D. A., Jolley, L., and J Goebel, J., National ecosystem assessments supported by scientific and local knowledge, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 403 - 408, 2010.
K. Japhet, Hannaway, D. B., Shuler, P. E., Niess, M. L., Griffith, S. M., Fick, G. W., and Allen, G. V., National Forage Curriculum. 1998.
M. I. JD and Grevstad, F., Natural enemies of invasive knotweeds in the Pacific Northwest, FHTET-2010-02, 2010.
M. I. J. D. and Grevstad, F., Natural enemies of invasive knotweeds in the Pacific Northwest, U.S. Forest Service, Northern Region, FHTET-2010-02, 2010.
L. Laikre, ALLENDORF, F. R. E. D. W., ARONER, L. A. U. R. E. L. C., C. Baker, S., GREGOVICH, D. A. V. I. D. P., HANSEN, M. I. C. H. A. E. L. M., Jackson, J. A., Kendall, K. C., McKelvey, K., NEEL, M. A. I. L. E. C., OLIVIERI, I. S. A. B. E. L. L. E., RYMAN, N. I. L. S., SCHWARTZ, M. I. C. H. A. E. L. K., BULL, R. U. T. H. S. H. O. R. T., STETZ, J. E. F. F. R. E. Y. B., TALLMON, D. A. V. I. D. A., Taylor, B. L., VOJTA, C. H. R. I. S. T. I. N. A. D., WALLER, D. O. N. A. L. D. M., and WAPLES, R. O. B. I. N. S., Neglect of Genetic Diversity in Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Conservation Biology, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 86 - 88, 2010.
S. Garczynski, Hendrickson, C., Harper, A., Unruh, T., Dhingra, A., Ahn, S. - J., and Choi, M. - Y., Neuropeptides and peptide hormones identified in codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), Archives of Insect Biochem. Physiol. (in press), 2019.
S. F. Garczynski, Hendrickson, C. A., Harper, A., Unruh, T. R., Dhingra, A., Ahn, S. - J., and Choi, M. - Y., Neuropeptides and peptide hormones identified in codling moth, Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)., Arch Insect Biochem Physiol, vol. 101, no. 4, p. e21587, 2019.
A. E. Garay and Elias, S. G., New Blowing Procedure Using Master Calibration Samples and Air Velocity Monitoring: A Model Developed with Orchardgrass and Kentucky bluegrass, Seed Technology, pp. 89–101, 2013.
A. E. Garay and Elias, S., New blowing procedure using master calibration samples and air velocity monitoring: A model developed with orchardgrass and Kentucky bluegrass, Seed Technology, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 69-81, 2013.
énédicte Madon, Gimenez, O., McArdle, B., C. Baker, S., and Garrigue, C., A new method for estimating animal abundance with two sources of data in capture-recapture studies, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 390 - 400, 2011.
énédicte Madon, Gimenez, O., McArdle, B., C. Baker, S., and Garrigue, C., A new method for estimating animal abundance with two sources of data in capture-recapture studies, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 390 - 400, 2011.
L. Wang, Good, S. P., and Caylor, K. K., A New Method to Quantify the Isotopic Signature of Leaf Transpiration: Implications for Landscape-Scale Evapotranspiration Partitioning Studies, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
G. I. Yospin, Bridgham, S. D., Neilson, R. P., Bolte, J. P., Bachelet, D., Gould, P. J., Harrington, C. A., Kertis, J. A., Evers, C., and Johnson, B. R., A new model to simulate climate-change impacts on forest succession for local land management, Ecological Applications, vol. 25, pp. 226–242, 2015.
R. A. Gill, O'Connor, R., Rhodes, A., Bishop, T. B. B., Laughlin, D. C., and St Clair, S. B., Niche Opportunities for Invasive Annual Plants in Dryland Ecosystems are Controlled by Disturbance, Trophic Interactions, and Rainfall, Oecologia, vol. 187, no. 3, pp. 755-765, 2018.