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“Effects of temperature and prey availability on the malacophagous larval stage of Sepedon spinipes (Scopoli) (Diptera: Sciomyzidae): Potential biocontrol for gastropod vectors of parasitic diseases”, Biological Control, vol. 70, pp. 42–47, 2014.
, “An evaluation of US strawberry producers trait prioritization: Evidence from audience surveys”, HortScience, vol. 49, pp. 188–193, 2014.
“Evidence of Remediation-Induced Alteration of Subsurface Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substance Distribution at a Former Firefighter Training Area”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 48, no. 12, pp. 6644 - 6652, 2014.
, “Evidence of remediation-induced alteration of subsurface poly-and perfluoroalkyl substance distribution at a former firefighter training area”, Environmental science & technology, vol. 48, pp. 6644–6652, 2014.
, “Factors affecting wetland ground beetle (Carabidae) assemblages: how important are habitats, conservation designations and management?”, Insect Conservation and Diversity, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 206 - 222, 2014.
, “First Report of Natural Infection by ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in Bittersweet Nightshade (Solanum dulcamara) in the Columbia Basin of Eastern Oregon”, Plant Disease, vol. 98, no. 10, pp. 1425 - 1425, 2014.
, “First report of natural infection by “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’” in bittersweet nighshade (Solanum dulcamara L.) in the Columbia Basin of eastern Oregon”, Plant Disease Journal, vol. 98, no. 10, p. 1425, 2014.
, “Fossil Fuel Combustion Fingerprint in High-Resolution Urban Water Vapor Isotope Measurements”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
, “Fossil Fuel Combustion Fingerprint in High-Resolution Urban Water Vapor Isotope Measurements”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
, “The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network”, GigaScience, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
, “The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network”, GigaScience, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
, “The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network”, GigaScience, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
, “The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network”, GigaScience, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
, “The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network”, GigaScience, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
, “The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network”, GigaScience, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
, “The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network”, GigaScience, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
, “The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network”, GigaScience, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
, “GENETIC AND DEVELOPING GENOMIC RESOURCES IN BLACK RASPBERRY”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1048, pp. 19 - 24, 2014.
, “GENETIC AND DEVELOPING GENOMIC RESOURCES IN BLACK RASPBERRY”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1048, pp. 19 - 24, 2014.
, “The genome of Eucalyptus grandis.”, Nature, vol. 510, pp. 356-62, 2014.
, “The genome of Eucalyptus grandis.”, Nature, vol. 510, pp. 356-62, 2014.
, “The genome of Eucalyptus grandis.”, Nature, vol. 510, pp. 356-62, 2014.
, “The genome of Eucalyptus grandis.”, Nature, vol. 510, pp. 356-62, 2014.
, “The genome of Eucalyptus grandis”, Nature, vol. 51, no. 75, pp. 356 - 362, 2014.
, “The genome of Eucalyptus grandis”, Nature, vol. 51, no. 75, pp. 356 - 362, 2014.