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R. Miller, Ratchford, J., and Johnson, D. D., A history of woodland dynamics in the Owyhee’s: Encroachment, stand closure, understory dynamics, and tree biomass., Range Field Day 2008 Progress Report, 2008.
J. A. Jackson, Patenaude, N. J., Carroll, E. L., and C. Baker, S., How few whales were there after whaling? Inference from contemporary mtDNA diversity, Molecular Ecology, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 236 - 251, 2008.
J. Grimplet, Deluc, L. G., Cramer, G. R., and Cushman, J. C., Integrating functional genomics with abiotic stress responses in wine grape - Vitis vinifera, in Advances in molecular breeding towards salinity and drought tolerance, M. A. Jenks, Hasegawa, P. M., and S. Springer, M. Jain., Eds. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: , 2008, pp. 643-668.
D. D. Johnson and Miller, R. F., Intermountain Presettlement Juniper: Distribution, Abundance, and Influence on Postsettlement Expansion, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 82 - 92, 2008.
J. Azevedo, Courtois, F., Hakimi, M. - A., Demarsy, E., Lagrange, T., Alcaraz, J. - P., Jaiswal, P., Maréchal-Drouard, L., and Lerbs-Mache, S., Intraplastidial trafficking of a phage-type RNA polymerase is mediated by a thylakoid RING-H2 protein., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 105, pp. 9123-8, 2008.
R. JE, Shryock, E. T., McIver, J., Torgersen, T. R., and Dryer, M., Investigating RAPD-PCR Markers in Supercolonies of the Thatch Ant Formica obscuripes Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Detection of Genetic Heterogeneities Between Nests, Northwest Science, 2008.
J. J. James, Leaf nitrogen productivity as a mechanism driving the success of invasive annual grasses under low and high nitrogen supply, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 1775 - 1784, 2008.
J. J. James, Davies, K. W., Sheley, R., and Aanderud, Z. T., Linking nitrogen partitioning and species abundance to invasion resistance in the Great Basin, Oecologia, vol. 156, no. 3, pp. 637 - 648, 2008.
K. W. Davies and Johnson, D. D., Managing Medusahead in the Intermountain West Is at a Critical Threshold, Rangelands, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 13 - 15, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Jeliazkova, E. A., Kovacheva, N., and Dzhurmanski, A., Metal uptake by medicinal plant species grown in soils contaminated by a smelter, Environmental and Experimental Botany, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 207 - 216, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Jeliazkova, E. A., Kovatcheva, N., and Dzhurmanski, A., Metal uptake by medicinal plant species grown in soils contaminated by a smelter, Environ. Ex. Bot. , vol. 64, pp. 207-216, 2008.
S. Caballero, Jackson, J. A., Mignucci-Giannoni, A. A., Barrios-Garrido, éctor, án-Pedreros, S., Montiel-Villalobos, ı´aG., Robertson, K. M., and C. Baker, S., Molecular systematics of South American dolphins Sotalia: Sister taxa determination and phylogenetic relationships, with insights into a multi-locus phylogeny of the Delphinidae, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 252 - 268, 2008.
M. I. JD, Boerner, R. E. J., and Hart, S., The national fire and fire surrogate study: ecological consequences of alternative fuel reduction methods in seasonally dry forests, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 225, pp. 3075-3080, 2008.
C. A. Huset, Chiaia, A. C., Barofsky, D. F., Jonkers, N., Kohler, H. - P. E., Ort, C., Giger, W., and Field, J., Occurrence and mass flows of fluorochemicals in the Glatt Valley watershed, Switzerland, Environmental science & technology, vol. 42, pp. 6369–6377, 2008.
S. I. Rondon, DeBano, S. J., Clough, G. H., Hamm, P. B., and Jensen, A., Occurrence of the potato tuber moth, in the Columbia Basin of Oregon and Washington, in Integrated Pest Management for the Potato Tuber Moth, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller – a Potato Pest of Global Importance, Weikersheim, Germany: Margraf Publishers, 2008, pp. 9-13.
J. W. Julian, Seavert, C., Olsen, J. L., and , Orchard economics: The costs and returns of establishing and producing hazelnuts in the Willamette Valley. 2008.
J. R. Jaeger, Olson, K. C., Delcurto, T., and Qu, A., Pattern of Parturition as Affected by Time of Feeding and Prediction of the Time of Day that Parturition Will Occur in Spring-Calving Beef Cows11Contribution no. 08-119-J, Agric. Exp. Stn., Manhattan, Kansas., The Professional Animal Scientist, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 247 - 253, 2008.
S. Avraham, Tung, C. - W., Ilic, K., Jaiswal, P., Kellogg, E. A., McCouch, S., Pujar, A., Reiser, L., Rhee, S. Y., Sachs, M. M., Schaeffer, M., Stein, L., Stevens, P., Vincent, L., Zapata, F., and Ware, D., The Plant Ontology Database: a community resource for plant structure and developmental stages controlled vocabulary and annotations., Nucleic acids research, vol. 36, pp. D449-54, 2008.
R. G. Novy, Whitworth, J. L., Stark, J. C., Love, S. L., Corsini, D. L., Pavek, J. J., Vales, M. I., James, S. R., Hane, D. C., Shock, C. C., Charlton, B. A., Brown, C. R., Knowles, N. R., Pavek, M. J., Brandt, T. L., and Olsen, N., Premier Russet: A Dual-Purpose, Potato Cultivar with Significant Resistance to Low Temperature Sweetening During Long-Term Storage, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 85, no. 31, pp. 198 - 209, 2008.
K. M. Daane, Sime, K. R., Wang, X. - G., Nadel, H., Johnson, M. W., Walton, V. M., Kirk, A., and Pickett, C. H., Psyttalia lounsburyi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), potential biological control agent for the olive fruit fly in California, Biological Control, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 79 - 89, 2008.
J. D. Bates, Bingham, B. S., Bohnert, D. W., Boyd, C. S., Buckhouse, J., Carpinelli, M. F., Davies, K. W., Deboodt, T., Doescher, P. S., Fisher, M. J., Ganskopp, D. C., Hardegree, S. P., Johnson, D. W., Krueger-Mangold, J. M., Miller, R. F., Pierson, F. B., Ratchford, J., Rhodes, E. C., Sharp, R. N., Sheley, R., Svejcar, T., Vasquez, E. A., and Young, K., Range Field Day Progress Report - 2008 EOARC, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2008.
J. D. Bates, Bingham, B. S., Bohnert, D. W., Boyd, C. S., Buckhouse, J., Carpinelli, M. F., Davies, K. W., Deboodt, T., Doescher, P. S., Fisher, M. J., Ganskopp, D. C., Hardegree, S. P., Johnson, D. W., Krueger-Mangold, J. M., Miller, R. F., Pierson, F. B., Ratchford, J., Rhodes, E. C., Sharp, R. N., Sheley, R., Svejcar, T., Vasquez, E. A., and Young, K., Range Field Day Progress Report - 2008 EOARC, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2008.
B. R. Evans, Karchner, S. I., Allan, L. L., Pollenz, R. S., Tanguay, R. L., Jenny, M. J., Sherr, D. H., and Hahn, M. E., Repression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) signaling by AHR repressor: role of DNA binding and competition for AHR nuclear translocator., Mol Pharmacol, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 387-98, 2008.
K. W. Davies, Nafus, A. M., Bates, J. D., Svejcar, T., Sheley, R., Johnson, D. D., Miller, R. F., Sharp, R., and Rhodes, E. C., Sagebrush steppe – research progress report 2007, Agricultural Research Service Publication, 2008.
D. A. Robinson, Campbell, C. S., Hopmans, J. W., Hornbuckle, B. K., Jones, S. B., Knight, R., Ogden, F., Selker, J., and Wendroth, O., Soil moisture measurement for ecological and hydrological watershed-scale observatories: A review, Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 7, pp. 358–389, 2008.