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M. M. Mathey, Mookerjee, S., Mahoney, L., Finn, C. E., Hancock, J. F., çe, S., Davis, T., Stewart, P., Whitaker, V. M., Jamieson, A. R., Bassil, N. V., Amaya, I., Denoyes, B., Hummer, K. E., Sargent, D., van de Wegand, E., and Iezzoni, A., USING GENERAL AND SPECIFIC COMBINING ABILITY TO FURTHER ADVANCE STRAWBERRY (FRAGARIA SP.) BREEDING, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1049, pp. 193 - 200, 2014.
M. M. Mathey, Mookerjee, S., Mahoney, L., Finn, C. E., Hancock, J. F., çe, S., Davis, T., Stewart, P., Whitaker, V. M., Jamieson, A. R., Bassil, N. V., Amaya, I., Denoyes, B., Hummer, K. E., Sargent, D., van de Wegand, E., and Iezzoni, A., USING GENERAL AND SPECIFIC COMBINING ABILITY TO FURTHER ADVANCE STRAWBERRY (FRAGARIA SP.) BREEDING, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1049, pp. 193 - 200, 2014.
J. C. Chambers, Pyke, D. A., Maestas, J. D., Pellant, M. L., Boyd, C. S., Campbell, S. B., Espinosa, S., Havlina, D. W., Mayer, K. E., and Wuenschel, A., Using resistance and resilience concepts to reduce impacts of invasive annual grasses and altered fire regimes on the sagebrush ecosystem and greater sage-grouse: A strategic multi-scale approach, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Ft. Collins, CO, 2014.
A. Hulet, Roundy, B. A., Petersen, S. L., Bunting, S. C., Jensen, R. R., and Roundy, D. B., Utilizing National Agriculture Imagery Program Data to Estimate Tree Cover and Biomass of Piñon and Juniper Woodlands, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 563 - 572, 2014.
R. H. Harkins, Strik, B. C., and Bryla, D. R., Weed management practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: II. Accumulation and loss of biomass and nutrients. , HortScience, vol. 49, pp. 35-43, 2014.
C. E. Finn, Olmstead, J. W., Hancock, J. F., and Brazelton, D. M., WELCOME TO THE PARTY! BLUEBERRY BREEDING MIXES PRIVATE AND PUBLIC WITH TRADITIONAL AND MOLECULAR TO CREATE A VIBRANT NEW COCKTAIL, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1017, pp. 51 - 62, 2014.
A. F. Murphy, Rondon, S. I., Wohleb, C. H., and Hines, S., Western corn rootworm in eastern Oregon, Idaho, and eastern Washington, PNW 662, 2014.
T. Svejcar, Boyd, C. S., Davies, K. W., Madsen, M. D., Bates, J. D., Sheley, R., Marlow, C., Bohnert, D. W., Borman, M. M., Mata-González, R., Buckhouse, J., Stringham, T., Perryman, B., Swanson, S., Tate, K., George, M., Ruyle, G., Roundy, B. A., Call, C., Jensen, K., Launchbaugh, K., Gearhart, A., Vermeire, L., Tanaka, J. A., Derner, J., Frasier, G., and Havstad, K. M., Western land managers will need all available tools for adapting to climate change, including grazing: a critique of Beschta et al., Environmental Management, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1035 - 1038, 2014.
D. R. Horton, Munyaneza, J. E., Swisher, K. D., Echegaray, E. R., Murphy, A. F., Rondon, S. I., Sengoda, V. G., Neven, L. G., and Jensen, A., What is the source of potato psyllids colonizing Washington, Oregon and Idaho potato fields? , Potato Progress, vol. XIV, 2014.
J. White, Traub, J., Maskell, D., Hughes, P. S., Harper, A., and Willoughby, N., Whisky by-products: a valuable source of protein and potential applications in aquaculture, New Biotechnology, p. S118, 2014.
J. White, Traub, J., Maskell, D., Hughes, P. S., Harper, A., and Willoughby, N., Whisky by-products: a valuable source of protein and potential applications in aquaculture, New Biotechnology, p. S118, 2014.
A. Heinrich, Smith, R., and Cahn, M., Winter cover cropping strategies to reduce nitrate leaching in intensive vegetable production systems, HortTechnology, vol. 24, pp. 502-511, 2014.
A. Rango, Fernald, A. G., Steele, C., Hurd, B., and Ochoa, C., Acequias and the Effects of Climate Change, Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, vol. 1511364147, no. 112, pp. 84 - 94, 2013.
J. Ding, Bierma, J., Smith, M. R., Poliner, E., Wolfe, C., Hadduck, A. N., Zara, S., Jirikovic, M., van Zee, K., Penner, M. H., Patton-Vogt, J., and Bakalinsky, A. T., Acetic acid inhibits nutrient uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: auxotrophy confounds the use of yeast deletion libraries for strain improvement., Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, vol. 97, no. 16, pp. 7405-16, 2013.
C. W. Mueller, Weber, P. K., Kilburn, M. R., Hoeschen, C., Kleber, M., and Pett-Ridge, J., Advances in AgronomyAdvances in the Analysis of Biogeochemical Interfaces, vol. 121. Elsevier, 2013, pp. 1 - 46.
C. Rosenzweig, Jones, J. W., Hatfield, J. L., Ruane, A. C., Boote, K. J., Thorburn, P., Antle, J. M., Nelson, G. C., Porter, C., Janssen, S., Asseng, S., Basso, B., Ewert, F., Wallach, D., Baigorria, G., and Winter, J. M., The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP): Protocols and pilot studies, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 170, pp. 166 - 182, 2013.
A. Hunt and Park, J. W., Alaska pollock fish protein gels as affected by refined carrageenan and various salts, Journal of Food Quality, vol. 36, pp. 51–58, 2013.
Y. Chutimanitsakun, Cuesta-Marcos, A., Chao, S., Corey, A., Filichkin, T., Fisk, S., Kolding, M., Meints, B., Ong, Y. - L., Rey, J. Ignacio, Ross, A. S., and Hayes, P. M., Application of marker-assisted selection and genome-wide association scanning to the development of winter food barley germplasm resources, Plant Breeding, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 563 - 570, 2013.
C. W. Higgins, Katul, G. G., Froidevaux, M., Simeonov, V., and Parlange, M. B., Are atmospheric surface layer flows ergodic?, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 40, pp. 3342–3346, 2013.
D. T. Hicks, Pivarnik, L. F., Richard, N. Leydon, Gable, R. K., and Morrissey, M. T., Assessing knowledge and attitudes of US healthcare providers about benefits and risks of consuming seafood, Journal of Food Science Education, vol. 12, pp. 75–80, 2013.
J. E. Halofsky, Hemstrom, M. A., Conklin, D. R., Halofsky, J. S., Kerns, B. K., and Bachelet, D., Assessing potential climate change effects on vegetation using a linked model approach, Ecological modelling, vol. 266, pp. 131–143, 2013.
J. E. Halofsky, Hemstrom, M. A., Conklin, D. R., Halofsky, J. S., Kerns, B. K., and Bachelet, D., Assessing potential climate change effects on vegetation using a linked model approach, Ecological modelling, vol. 266, pp. 131–143, 2013.
J. E. Halofsky, Hemstrom, M. A., Conklin, D. R., Halofsky, J. S., Kerns, B. K., and Bachelet, D., Assessing potential climate change effects on vegetation using a linked model approach, Ecological modelling, vol. 266, pp. 131–143, 2013.
G. D. Hoffman and Rao, S., Association of slugs with the fungal pathogen Epichloë typhina (Ascomycotina: Clavicipitaceae): potential role in stroma fertilisation and disease spread, Annals of Applied Biology, vol. 162812810050871021061121011046861132244663269045384183906581123416598074753, no. 3, pp. 324 - 334, 2013.
M. Diebold, Oldroyd, H. Jayne, Huwald, H., Higgins, C. W., Christen, A., Lehning, M., and Parlange, M., Atmospheric boundary layers in complex terrain and over ice, snow and vegetated surfaces, in DACA 2013, 2013.