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J. R. Jaeger and Delcurto, T., Endogenous prostaglandin F2α concentrations in bovine whole semen, seminal plasma, and extended semen., Theriogenology, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 369-75, 2012.
J. R. Jaeger and Delcurto, T., Endogenous Prostaglandin F2a Concentrations in Bovine Whole Semen, Seminal Plansma and Extended Semen, Proc. WSASAS, vol. 55. pp. 18-21, 2004.
G. Jennings and Tullos, D., Encyclopedia of Water Science, (Print Version), 2006.
D. Tullos and Jennings, G., Encyclopedia of Water Science, 2008.
A. E. Thessen, Bunker, D. E., Buttigieg, P. Luigi, Cooper, L. D., Dahdul, W. M., Domisch, S., Franz, N. M., Jaiswal, P., Lawrence-Dill, C. J., Midford, P. E., Mungall, C. J., Ramírez, M. J., Specht, C. D., Vogt, L., Vos, R. Aldo, Walls, R. L., White, J. W., Zhang, G., Deans, A. R., Huala, E., Lewis, S. E., and Mabee, P. M., Emerging semantics to link phenotype and environment., PeerJ, vol. 3, p. e1470, 2015.
K. - T. Kim, Jang, M. - H., Kim, J. - Y., Xing, B., Tanguay, R. L., Lee, B. - G., and Kim, S. Don, Embryonic toxicity changes of organic nanomaterials in the presence of natural organic matter., Sci Total Environ, vol. 426, pp. 423-9, 2012.
K. - T. Kim, Jang, M. - H., Kim, J. - Y., Xing, B., Tanguay, R. L., Lee, B. - G., and Kim, S. Don, Embryonic toxicity changes of organic nanomaterials in the presence of natural organic matter, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 426, pp. 423 - 429, 2012.
J. T. Smith, Allred, B. W., Boyd, C. S., Davies, K. W., Jones, M. O., Kleinhesselink, A. R., Maestas, J. D., Morford, S. L., and Naugle, D. E., The Elevational Ascent and Spread of Exotic Annual Grass Dominance in the Great Basin, USA, Diversity and Distributions, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 83 - 96, 2022.
K. S. Choi, Ahn, S. - J., Kim, S. B., Ahn, J. J., Jung, B. N., Go, S. W., and Kim, D. - S., Elevated CO2 may alter pheromonal communication in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Physiological Entomology, vol. 43, pp. 169-179, 2018.
K. S. Choi, Ahn, S. - J., Kim, S. B., Ahn, J. J., Jung, B. N., Go, S. W., and Kim, D. - S., Elevated CO2 may alter pheromonal communication in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Physiological Entomology , vol. 43, pp. 169-179, 2018.
J. R. Jaeger and Delcurto, T., Efficacy of feeding a probiotic to yearling replacement beef heifers in a wintering backgrounding program, Proc. West Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci., vol. 51. pp. 510-512, 2000.
J. Ranches, O'Connor, R., Johnson, D. D., Davies, K. W., Bates, J. D., Boyd, C. S., Bohnert, D. W., and Parker, T., Effects of Virtual Fence Monitored by Global Positioning System on Beef Cattle Behavior, Translational Animal Science, vol. 5. pp. S144 - S148, 2021.
J. G. Cook, Johnson, B. K., Cook, R. C., Riggs, R. A., Delcurto, T., Bryant, L. D., and Irwin, L. L., Effects of summer-autumn nutritiona nd parturition date on reproduction and survival of elk. Wildlife Monographs No. 155, Supplement to The J. of Wildlife Management, 2004.
T. Delcurto, Cook, J. G., Johnson, B. K., Cook, R. C., Riggs, R. A., Bryant, L. D., and Irwin, L. L., Effects of summer-autumn nutritiona nd parturition date on reproduction and survival of elk, 2004.
B. Ieda Cappellozza, Cooke, R. F., Reis, M. M., Marques, R. S., Filho, T. A. Guarnie, Perry, G. A., Jump, D. B., Lytle, K. A., and Bohnert, D. W., Effects of protein supplementation frequency on physiological responses associated with reproduction in beef cows, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 386 - 394, 2015.
A. Burkhardt, Gawde, A., Cantrell, C. L., Baxter, H. L., Joyce, B. L., C. Stewart, Jr., N., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Effects of Produced Water on Soil Characteristics, Plant Biomass, and Secondary Metabolites, Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 44, p. 1938, 2015.
A. Burkhardt, Gawde, A., Cantrell, C. L., Baxter, H. L., Joyce, B. L., C. Stewart, Jr., N., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Effects of produced water on soil characteristics, plant biomass, and secondary metabolites, Journal of Environmental Quality, vol. 44, pp. 1938-1947, 2015.
D. H. Gent, James, D. G., Wright, L. C., Brooks, D. J., Barbour, J. D., Dreves, A. J., Fisher, G. C., and Walton, V. M., Effects of powdery mildew fungicide programs on twospotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae), hop aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and their natural enemies in hop yards., J Econ Entomol, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 274-86, 2009.
C. J. Jack, Uppala, S. Sree, Lucas, H. M., and Sagili, R., Effects of pollen dilution on infection of Nosema ceranae in honey bees, Journal of insect physiology, vol. 87, pp. 12–19, 2016.
S. J. Moreby, Sotherton, N. W., and Jepson, P., The effects of pesticides on species of non-target Heteroptera inhabiting cereal fields in southern England, Pesticide Science, vol. 51, pp. 39–48, 1997.
W. Jaeger, Effects of Land-Use Regulations on Property Values, The, Envtl. L., vol. 36, pp. 105 - 105, 2006.
D. D. Johnson and Davies, K. W., Effects of integrating mowing and imazapyr on African rue (Peganum harmala L.) and native bunchgrasses., in Society for Range Management 65th Annual International Meeting, 2011.
D. D. Johnson and Davies, K. W., Effects of Integrating Mowing and Imazapyr Application on African Rue (Peganum harmala) and Native Perennial GrassesAbstract, Invasive Plant Science and Management, vol. 7404412124654131241363412, no. 04, pp. 617 - 623, 2014.
R. G. Smith, Jabbour, R., Hulting, A. G., Barbercheck, M. E., and Mortensen, D. A., Effects of Initial Seed-Bank Density on Weed Seedling Emergence during the Transition to an Organic Feed-Grain Crop Rotation, Weed Science, vol. 57, no. 05, pp. 533 - 540, 2009.
S. Jiao, Zhu, D., Deng, Y., and Zhao, Y., Effects of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Heating on Quality and Shelf-life of Roasted Peanuts, Food and Bioprocess Technology, vol. 967682641046748718310015361763977187179792732107710532761331731, no. 241824C3435910813&4264, pp. 308 - 319, 2016.