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“Biology and management of the potato tuberworm in the Pacific Northwest”, Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, PNW 594, 2007.
, “Biological control for insect management in strawberries”, University of Florida, Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, HS923, 2003.
, “Beef Research Report: 2014 Edition”, Oregon State University, 2014.
, “Beef Research Report: 2014 Edition”, Oregon State University, 2014.
, “Beef Cattle Library - Overview of the Cattle Immune System”, OSU Beef Cattle Sciences _ BEEF041, 2010.
, “Beef Cattle Library - Evaluating Temperament in Beef Cattle”, OSU Beef Cattle Sciences _ BEEF041, 2010.
, “Beef Cattle Library - Energy Nutrition for Cattle”, OSU Beef Cattle Sciences _ BEEF040, 2010.
, “Basics of Reproductive Function in Beef Cows”, OSU Beef Cattle Sciences/Beef Cattle Library: BEEF004, 2009.
, “Angular leaf spot: a bacterial disease in strawberries in Florida”, University of Florida, Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, PP120, 2004.
, “Advances in dryland farming in the inland Pacific Northwest”, WSU Extension Service, Pullman, Washington, PNW697, 2017.
, “1984 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Agroforestry: Optimizing Livestock and Forest Productivity”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1984.
, “1980 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Seasonal Flammability of Big Sagebrush and Western Juniper Foliage”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1980.
, “1980 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Seasonal Flammability of Big Sagebrush and Western Juniper Foliage”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1980.
, “1980 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Burning, Haying, Grazing and Non-Use of Flood Meadow Vegetation”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1980.
, “1979 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: The Response of Bunchgrasses to Prescribed burning in Mountain Big Sagebrush Plant Communities”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1979.
, “1979 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Seasonal Response of Bitterbrush to Burning and Clipping in Eastern Oregon”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1979.
, “1979 Progress Report -- Research in Rangeland Management: Effect of Harvest Date on Five Bunchgrasses of Eastern Oregon”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1979.
, “1957 Field Day Report”, Squaw Butte-Harney Experiment Station, 1957.
, “1955 Field Day Report: Range Improvement Research”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1955.
, “1955 Field Day Report: Mountain Meadow Improvement Studies”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1955.
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