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Food Science Text SeriesFood AnalysisUltraviolet, Visible, and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, 6th ed. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 89 - 106.
, “A new method for quantification of liquid saturation in 2D translucent porous media systems using light transmission”, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 24, pp. 651–666, 2001.
, “Relationships between gas-liquid interfacial surface area, liquid saturation, and light transmission in variably saturated porous media”, Water resources research, vol. 38, 2002.
, “Flavonoids from Achyranthes bidentata BC”, Acta Hort. , vol. 426, pp. 75-78, 1996.
, “MINERAL NUTRITION OF CHAMOMILE (CHAMOMILLA RECUTITA (L.) K.”, Acta Horticulturae, no. 502, pp. 203 - 208, 1999.
, “Mineral nutrition of chamomile (Chamomilla recutita (L.) ”, Acta Hort. , vol. 502, pp. 203-208, 1999.
, “Is a Prescribed Fire Sufficient to Slow the Spread of Woody Plants in an Infrequently Burned Grassland? A Case Study in Tallgrass Prairie”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 78, pp. 79-89, 2021.
, “Alternative community structures in a kelp-urchin community: A qualitative modeling approach”, Ecological Modelling, vol. 205, no. 3-4, pp. 343 - 354, 2007.
, “The influence of wood species of cask on matured whisky aroma—identification of a unique character imparted by casks of Japanese oak”, Distilled Spirits—New Horizons: Energy, Environment and Enlightenment, Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, pp. 243–251, 2010.
, “Fish skin type I collagen: Characteristic comparison of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) and silver-line grunt (Pomadasys kaakan)”, Journal of aquatic food product technology, vol. 14, pp. 17–28, 2005.
, “Enhanced Snow Sublimation by Wind-induced Pressure Changes”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
, “ Landform Map of Cyprus”, Geological Survey Department of Cyprus , 2009.
, “Quaternary Geological Map of Cyprus,”, Geological Survey Department of Cyprus, 2009.
, “Soil Portraits”, Soil Horizons, vol. 51, no. 2, p. 35, 2010.
, “Preliminary field and GIS-based Assessment of Tsunami Hazard on Cyprus”, Marine geo-hazards in the MEditerranean, vol. 42, 2011.
, “Incorporating soil aging in digital mapping of soils”, Pedometron, vol. 28, 2009.
, AGU Reference ShelfQuaternary Geochronology: Methods and Applications, vol. 4. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union, 2013.
, “Repression of transcription factors by microRNA during seed germination and postgerminaiton: Another level of molecular repression in seeds? ”, Plant Signaling and Behavior, vol. 3, pp. 65-67, 2008.
, “Optimizing Nitrogen Use for Irrigated Waxy Barley”, Crop Management, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 00, 2010.
, “Measuring cellulase activity: application of the filter paper assay to low-activity enzyme preparations.”, Appl Biochem Biotechnol, vol. 137-140, no. 1-12, pp. 131-9, 2007.
, “Annual Cycles of Frankliniella spp. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Thrips Abundance on North Florida Uncultivated Reproductive Hosts: Predicting Possible Sources of Pest Outbreaks”, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 769 - 778, 2008.
, “Within plant interspecific competition does not limit the highly invasive thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis in Florida”, Ecological Entomology, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 181 - 187, 2011.
, “Annual Cycles of Frankliniella spp. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) Thrips Abundance on North Florida Uncultivated Reproductive Hosts: Predicting Possible Sources of Pest Outbreaks”, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 769 - 778, 2008.
, “Estimation of Reference Evapotranspiration by an Energy Balance Approach”, Biosystems Engineering, vol. 96, no. 4, pp. 605 - 615, 2007.
, “Identifying the Research and Infrastructure Needs for the Global Assessment of Hazardous Chemicals Ten Years after Establishing the Stockholm Convention”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 45, no. 18, pp. 7617 - 7619, 2011.