
Found 8080 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
J. Selker, Parlange, J. - Y., and Steenhuis, T., Fingered flow in two dimensions 2. Predicting finger moisture profile, 1992.
R. F. Miller and Rose, J. A., Growth and carbon allocation of Agropyron desertorum following autumn defoliation, Oecologia, vol. 8950292843334212317414358187664226239561822473, no. 4, pp. 482 - 486, 1992.
M. Vavra, Livestock and Big Game Forage Relationships, Rangelands, vol. 14, pp. 57–59, 1992.
R. R. Enríqu Andrade, Multiobjective model of the Pacific whiting fishery in the United States, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1992.
G. Sylvia and Morrissey, M. T., Pacific whiting : harvesting, processing, marketing, and quality assurance. Oregon Sea Grant, Oregon State UniversityCoastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Oregon State University, Newport, Or. :, p. vii, 112 p. :, 1992.
K. Donegan and Seidler, R., Principles, methods and applications of releasing microorganisms in the environment, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. New Orleans, LA, 1992.
T. Svejcar, Laycock, W. A., and Brown, J. R., Is The Range Condition Concept Compatible With Ecosystem Dynamics?, Annual Meeting Society for Range Management. Spokane, Washington, 1992.
D. C. Ganskopp, Angell, R. F., and Rose, J., Response of Cattle to Cured Reproductive Stems in a Caespitose Grass, Journal of Range Management, vol. 45, no. 4, p. 401, 1992.
L. E. Quierolo and Shriver, A. L., The Role of Pacific Groundfish in International Groundfish Trade: Reports 2, 3 and 4, NOAA Cooperative Agreement, 1992.
A. M. Tupes, Rondon, S. I., Acosta, R., and Del Carpio, C., Silkworm basic course. Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina, Department of Entomology, Lima, Peru, pp. 1-46, 1992.
D. M. Sullivan and Havlin, J. L., Soil and Environmental Effects on Urease Inhibition by Ammonium Thiosulfate, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 56, no. 3, p. 950, 1992.
D. M. Sullivan and Havlin, J. L., Thiosulfate Inhibition of Urea Hydrolysis in Soils: Tetrathionate as a Urease Inhibitor, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 56, no. 3, p. 957, 1992.
J. Selker, Steenhuis, T. S., and Parlange, J. - Y., Wetting front instability in homogeneous sandy soils under continuous infiltration, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 56, pp. 1346–1350, 1992.
T. Delcurto, Angell, R. F., Barton, R., Rose, J., and Bennett, S., Alfalfa supplementation of beef cattle grazing winter sagebrush-steppe range forage, Oregon Agric. Exp. Sta. Spec. Rep, vol. 880, p. 34, 1991.
D. C. Ganskopp, Raleigh, R. J., Schott, M., and Bracken, T. D., Behavior of cattle in pens exposed to ±500 kV DC transmission lines, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, vol. 30, no. 1-2, pp. 1 - 16, 1991.
J. Selker, Parlange, J. - Y., and Steenhuis, T. S., Comments on “Laboratory Tests of a Theory of Fingering During Infiltration into Layered Soils”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 55, pp. 896–896, 1991.
K. Donegan, Armstrong, J., Matyac, C., and Seidler, R. J., Comparison of survival on the phylloplane of bacteria released in greenhouse and field environments, EPA Report 600/3-90/085 ERL COR 629, 1991.
K. Donegan, Armstrong, J., Matyac, C., and Seidler, R. J., Comparison of survival on the phylloplane of bacteria released in greenhouse and field environments, Proceedings of the Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research EPA All Investigators Meeting. Arlington, VA, 1991.
K. Donegan, J. K., A., Matyac, C., and Seidler, R. J., Comparison of survival on the phylloplane of bacteria released in greenhouse and field environments, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Dallas, TX, 1991.
M. L. Lee, Choi, M. - Y., and Choi, K. S., Control effects of Galleria mellonella in honeybee combs with aluminum phosphide, its residues and safety on honeybees, Korean Journal of Apiculture, vol. 6, pp. 12-15, 1991.
M. - Y. Choi, Lee, M. L., and Choi, K. S., Control effects of Plodia interpunctella in pollen with aluminum phosphide and its residues, Korean J. Apiculture, vol. 6, 1991.
M. - Y. Choi, Lee, M. L., and Choi, K. S., Control effects of Plodia interpunctella in pollen with aluminum phosphide and its residues, Korean Journal of Apiculture, vol. 6, pp. 8-11, 1991.
B. C. Strik, Roper, T. R., DeMoranville, C. J., Davenport, J. R., and Poole, A. P., Cultivar and growing region influence return bloom of cranberry uprights, HortScience, vol. 26, pp. 1366-1367, 1991.
R. F. Miller, Doescher, P. S., and Purrington, T., Dry-wet cycles and sagebrush in the Great Basin, Management in the Sagebrush Steppes. Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station Special Report, vol. 880, pp. 8–15, 1991.
I. Dimitrov, Terziev, Z., Zheljazkov, V. D., and Janchev, I., Effect of fertilization and planting density on the productivity of maize hybrids grown under water stress. , Higher Institute of Agriculture – Plovdiv, Scientific Works, vol. 36, pp. 67-71, 1991.