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S. Wada and Reed, B. M., Standardizing germination protocols for diverse raspberry and blackberry species, Scientia Horticulturae, vol. 132, pp. 42 - 49, 2011.
S. Wada, Kennedy, J. A., and Reed, B. M., Seed-coat anatomy and proanthocyanidins contribute to the dormancy of Rubus seed, Scientia Horticulturae, vol. 130, no. 4, pp. 762 - 768, 2011.
S. Wada, Altland, J., Mallory-Smith, C., and Stang, J., Effect of dolomitic lime rate and application method on substrate pH and creeping woodsorrel establishment, Journal of Environmental Horticulture, vol. 24, pp. 185–191, 2006.
S. Wada, Mallory-Smith, C., Stang, J., and Holowina, G., Oxalis corniculata L. response to substrate pH, NC State Univ. Grower-Gram, pp. 7-10, 2004.
S. Wada, Reed, B. M., and , Seed coat morphology differentiates blackberry cultivars, Journal of American Pomological Society, vol. 64, p. 152, 2010.
S. Wada, Nursery container weeds response to modification of substrate pH, substrate particle size and applied nitrogen form, 2006.
S. Wada and Reed, B. M., Trends in culture medium nitrogen requirements for in vitro shoot growth of diverse pear germplasm, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1155, pp. 29 - 36, 2017.
S. Wada, Niedz, R. P., Denoma, J., and Reed, B. M., Mesos components (CaCl2, MgSO4, KH2PO4) are critical for improving pear micropropagation, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, vol. 494644635964548220187916797301548343112138474129, no. 3, pp. 356 - 365, 2013.
S. Wada and Altland, J. E., Oxalis corniculata L. response to substrate pH, Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf., vol. 49. pp. 401-403, 2004.
S. Wada, Evaluation of Rubus seed characteristics: seed coat morphology, anatomy, germination requirements and dormancy breaking. Oregon State University, 2009.
S. Wada, Maki, S., Niedz, R. P., and Reed, B. M., Screening genetically diverse pear species for in vitro CaCl2, MgSO4 and KH2PO4 requirements, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, vol. 375961651918301784949124225, no. 3, 2015.
S. Wada, Nonogaki, H., Reed, B. M., and , Identifying blackberry cultivars by seed structure. Oregon State University, Extension Service, 2010.
S. Wada and Reed, B. M., Optimized scarification protocols improve germination of diverse Rubus germplasm, Scientia Horticulturae, vol. 130, no. 3, pp. 660 - 664, 2011.
S. Wada and Reed, B. M., MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF RUBUS SEED, Acta Horticulturae, no. 782, pp. 67 - 74, 2008.
C. S., J., T., and J., J., Ecological Water Quality - Water Treatment and ReuseWater Quality in the Agronomic Context: Flood Irrigation Impacts on Summer In-Stream Temperature Extremes in the Interior Pacific Northwest (USA), in Water Quality in the Agronomic Context, K. Voudouris, Ed. InTech, 2012.
B. A. Vorderstrasse, Steppan, L. B., Silverstone, A. E., and Kerkvliet, N. I., Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Deficient Mice Generate Normal Immune Responses to Model Antigens and Are Resistant to TCDD-Induced Immune Suppression, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 171, no. 3, pp. 157 - 164, 2001.
B. A. Vorderstrasse and Kerkvliet, N. I., 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Affects the Number and Function of Murine Splenic Dendritic Cells and Their Expression of Accessory Molecules, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 171, no. 2, pp. 117 - 125, 2001.
B. A. Vorderstrasse and Kerkvliet, N. I., Influence of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on the Antigen-Presenting Activity of Dendritic Cells, Toxicological Sciences, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 103 - 112, 2003.
A. M. Vondras, Gouthu, S., Schmidt, J. A., Petersen, A. - R., and Deluc, L. G., The contribution of flowering time and seed content to uneven ripening initiation among fruits within Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir clusters, Planta, vol. 243, no. 5, pp. 1191 - 1202, 2016.
A. M. Vondras, Commisso, M., Guzzo, F., and Deluc, L. G., Metabolite Profiling Reveals Developmental Inequalities in Pinot Noir Berry Tissues Late in Ripening, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017.
C. von Neubeck, Shankaran, H., Karin, N. J., Kauer, P. M., Chrisler, W. B., Wang, X., R. Robinson, J., Waters, K. M., Tilton, S. C., and Sowa, M. B., Cell type-dependent gene transcription profile in a three-dimensional human skin tissue model exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation: Implications for medical exposures, Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 247 - 259, 2012.
D. H. Volkmann, Kutzler, M. A., Wheeler, R., and Krekeler, N., The use of deslorelin implants for the synchronization of estrous in diestrous bitches, Theriogenology, vol. 66, no. 6-7, pp. 1497 - 1501, 2006.
D. H. Volkmann, Kutzler, M. A., Wheeler, R., Krekeler, N., Klewitz, J., and Lamb, S. V., Failure of hCG to support luteal function in bitches after estrus induction using deslorelin implants, Theriogenology, vol. 66, no. 6-7, pp. 1502 - 1506, 2006.
D. D. Voigt, Chevalier, F., Donaghy, J. A., Patterson, M. F., Qian, M. C., and Kelly, A. L., Effect of high-pressure treatment of milk for cheese manufacture on proteolysis, lipolysis, texture and functionality of Cheddar cheese during ripening, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, vol. 13, pp. 23–30, 2012.
D. D. Voigt, Chevalier, F., Qian, M. C., and Kelly, A. L., Effect of high-pressure treatment on microbiology, proteolysis, lipolysis and levels of flavour compounds in mature blue-veined cheese, Innovative food science & emerging technologies, vol. 11, pp. 68–77, 2010.