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I. J. Tinsley, Van Ryssen, B. J. J., and Whanger, P. D., 1987 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management: Plasma Levels of Vitamin E and Vitamin A in Cattle Raised Over a One Year Period on the Squaw Butte and Union Stations, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
I. J. Tinsley, Turner, H. A., Van Ryssen, B. J. J., and Whanger, P. D., 1987 Progress Report -- Research in beef cattle nutrition and management: Influence of Routine Management Practices at Burns and Union, Oregon, on Selenium, Copper, Zinc and Cobalt Status of Cattle, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
M. Mc Innis and Vavra, M., 1987 Progress Report - Research in Rangeland Management: Beef Cattle Production on Western Juniper Rangelands, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987.
S. H. Sharrow, Krueger, W. Clement, Fisher, M. J., Deboodt, T., Buckhouse, J., and Vavra, M., 2005 Range Field Day Progress, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2005.
C. G. Johnson, Vavra, M., and Willis, M. J., Cumulative Impacts of Spring Elk Use on Steppe Vegetation, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
R. Hammer, S., S., and V., R., Demographic Trends, the Wildland-Urban Interface, and Wildfire Management , Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2008.
T. Delcurto, Vavra, M., and Mc Innis, M., Designing Sustainable Livestock Grazing Systems, 2000.
R. K. Bailey and Vavra, M., Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center Annual Report 1998: Forage Quality of Round Bales Stacked Different Ways, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
R. Cruz, Ganskopp, D. C., and Vavra, M., Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center Annual Report 1998: Modeling Habitat Preferences of Cattle on Eastern Oregon Rangelands, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
J. J. James, Sheley, R., Smith, B. S., and Vasquez, E., EBIPM Assessment Guidelines - Putting Assessment to Work for More-Informed Land Management Decisions: A How-To Guide, 2011.
M. L. Rahe, Van Dis, K., Weiland, J., and Gwin, L., Economic Impact of Local Food Producers in Central Oregon, 2017.
M. L. Rahe, Van Dis, K., Weiland, J., and Gwin, L., Economic Impact of Local Food Producers in Central Oregon, 2017.
M. Rahe, Van Dis, K., Weiland, J., and Gwin, L., Economic Impact of Local Food Producers in Central Oregon, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2017.
D. P. Sheehy, Slater, R. C., Tibbs, T. M., and Vavra, M., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Big Game and Cattle Interrelationships and their Influence on Biological Resources, Seasonal Rangeland and Agricultural Land in Northeastern Oregon, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
C. Ballard, Bryant, L. D., Titus, W., and Vavra, M., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Ongoing Studies at the Starkey Experimental Forest, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
T. Delcurto, Fajemisin, B., Ganskopp, D. C., and Vavra, M., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Potential of Goats as Brush Control Agents, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
R. F. Miller, Tibbs, T. M., and Vavra, M., EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Understory Response to Thinning Ponderosa Pine in Northestearn Oregon, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
M. Mc Innis and Vavra, M., EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Dining Out: Principles of Range Cattle Nutrition, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
L. E. Eddleman, Vavra, M., Ganskopp, D. C., and Svejcar, T., EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Sustainable Resotration, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
T. Delcurto and Vavra, M., EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Management of Beef Cattle for Economic Sustainability: A Review of Research, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
A. L. Torell, Rimbey, N. R., E. Bartlett, T., Van Tassell, L. W., Tanaka, J. A., L. Torell, A., E. Bartlett, T., and Larranga, R., An evaluation of the PRIA grazing fee formula. In: Current Issues in Rangeland Resource Economics., A Western Regional Publication: NMSU Agric. Exp. Sta., Research Report, 737, 2001.
J. D. Bates, Gicklhorn, J., LaMalfa, E., Newingham, B. A., and Veblen, K. E., Great Basin Fact Sheet – Post-Fire Grazing Management in the Great Basin, USDA-FS, 7, 2015.
D. C. Ganskopp, Svejcar, T., and Vavra, M., Improving Late-summer and Winter Forage Quality with Livestock Grazing, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
T. Delcurto, Walburger, K. J., Vavra, M., Bryant, L., and Kie, J. G., Influence of a grazing system and aspect, north vs. south, on the nutritional quality of forages, and performance and distribution of cattle grazing forested rangelands, 2000.
S. I. Rondon, Corp, M. K., Van Vleet, S. M., Reitz, S. R., and Hutchinson, P., Integrated pest management: detecting plant diseases in the lab, OSU Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, EM9120, 2015.