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H. Akbar, Bionaz, M., Carlson, D. B., Rodriguez-Zas, S. L., Everts, R. E., Lewin, H. A., Drackley, J. K., and Loor, J. J., Feed restriction, but not l-carnitine infusion, alters the liver transcriptome by inhibiting sterol synthesis and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and increasing gluconeogenesis in mid-lactation dairy cows., J Dairy Sci, vol. 96, no. 4, pp. 2201-13, 2013.
S. A. Pothoven, Vanderploeg, H. A., Ludsin, S. A., öök, T. O., and Brandt, S. B., Feeding ecology of emerald shiners and rainbow smelt in central Lake Erie, Journal of Great Lakes Research, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 190 - 198, 2009.
D. W. Bohnert, Brandão, A. P., Cooke, R. F., Lippolis, K. D., Marques, R. S., and Schubach, K. M., Feeding Immunostimulant Ingredients to Optimize Health and Performance of Receiving Cattle, Oregon State University - Oregon Beef Council Report, 2017.
H. Huwald, Higgins, C. W., Diebold, M., Lehning, M., Tyler, S. W., Selker, J., and Parlange, M. B., Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing of Snow, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
J. Selker, Van De Giesen, N., Westhoff, M. C., Luxemburg, W., and Parlange, M. B., Fiber optics opens window on stream dynamics, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 33, 2006.
J. H. Knutson, Lee, S. B., Zhang, W. Q., and Selker, J., Fiberglass wick preparation for use in passive capillary wick soil pore-water samplers, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 57, pp. 1474–1476, 1993.
M. Mc Innis and Larson, L. L., Field Day Report. Special Report #935. Management of Great Basin Rangelands: Yellow Starthistle Invasion and Management, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1994.
A. P. Melathopoulos, Winston, M. L., Whittington, R., Higo, H., and Le Doux, M., Field evaluation of neem and canola oil for the selective control of the honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) mite parasites Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroidae) and Acarapis woodi (Acari: Tarsonemidae)., J Econ Entomol, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 559-67, 2000.
A. P. Melathopoulos, Winston, M. L., Whittington, R., Higo, H., and LeDoux, M., Field evaluation of neem and canola oil for the selective control of the honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) mite parasites Varroa jacobsoni (Acari: Varroaidae) and Acarapis woodi (Acari: Tarsonemidae), Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 559-567, 2000.
M. J. Louie, Shelby, P. M., Smesrud, J. S., Gatchell, L. O., and Selker, J., Field evaluation of passive capillary samplers for estimating groundwater recharge, Water Resources Research, vol. 36, pp. 2407–2416, 2000.
A. M. Donoghue, Kirby, J. D., Froman, D. P., Lerner, S. P., Crouch, A. N., King, L. M., Donoghue, D. J., and Sonstegard, T. S., Field testing the influence of sperm competition based on sperm mobility in breeder turkey toms, British Poultry Science, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 498 - 504, 2003.
E. Peterson, Larson, E., and Parke, J., Film-forming polymers and surfactants reduce infection and sporulation of Phytophthora ramorum on rhododendron, Plant Disease, 2019.
M. Louhaichi, Yigezu, Y. A., Werner, J., Dashtseren, L., El-Shater, T., and Ahmed, M., Financial incentives: Possible options for sustainable rangeland management?, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 180, pp. 493 - 503, 2016.
A. R. Deans, Lewis, S. E., Huala, E., Anzaldo, S. S., Ashburner, M., Balhoff, J. P., Blackburn, D. C., Blake, J. A., J. Burleigh, G., Chanet, B., Cooper, L. D., Courtot, M., Csösz, S., Cui, H., Dahdul, W., Das, S., T. Dececchi, A., Dettai, A., Diogo, R., Druzinsky, R. E., Dumontier, M., Franz, N. M., Friedrich, F., Gkoutos, G. V., Haendel, M., Harmon, L. J., Hayamizu, T. F., He, Y., Hines, H. M., Ibrahim, N., Jackson, L. M., Jaiswal, P., James-Zorn, C., Köhler, S., Lecointre, G., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C. J., Le Novère, N., Lundberg, J. G., Macklin, J., Mast, A. R., Midford, P. E., Mikó, I., Mungall, C. J., Oellrich, A., Osumi-Sutherland, D., Parkinson, H., Ramírez, M. J., Richter, S., Robinson, P. N., Ruttenberg, A., Schulz, K. S., Segerdell, E., Seltmann, K. C., Sharkey, M. J., Smith, A. D., Smith, B., Specht, C. D., R. Squires, B., Thacker, R. W., Thessen, A., Fernandez-Triana, J., Vihinen, M., Vize, P. D., Vogt, L., Wall, C. E., Walls, R. L., Westerfeld, M., Wharton, R. A., Wirkner, C. S., Woolley, J. B., Yoder, M. J., Zorn, A. M., and Mabee, P., Finding Our Way through Phenotypes, PLoS Biol, vol. 13, p. e1002033, 2015.
A. R. Deans, Lewis, S. E., Huala, E., Anzaldo, S. S., Ashburner, M., Balhoff, J. P., Blackburn, D. C., Blake, J. A., J. Burleigh, G., Chanet, B., Cooper, L. D., Courtot, M., Csösz, S., Cui, H., Dahdul, W., Das, S., T. Dececchi, A., Dettai, A., Diogo, R., Druzinsky, R. E., Dumontier, M., Franz, N. M., Friedrich, F., Gkoutos, G. V., Haendel, M., Harmon, L. J., Hayamizu, T. F., He, Y., Hines, H. M., Ibrahim, N., Jackson, L. M., Jaiswal, P., James-Zorn, C., Köhler, S., Lecointre, G., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C. J., Le Novère, N., Lundberg, J. G., Macklin, J., Mast, A. R., Midford, P. E., Mikó, I., Mungall, C. J., Oellrich, A., Osumi-Sutherland, D., Parkinson, H., Ramírez, M. J., Richter, S., Robinson, P. N., Ruttenberg, A., Schulz, K. S., Segerdell, E., Seltmann, K. C., Sharkey, M. J., Smith, A. D., Smith, B., Specht, C. D., R. Squires, B., Thacker, R. W., Thessen, A., Fernandez-Triana, J., Vihinen, M., Vize, P. D., Vogt, L., Wall, C. E., Walls, R. L., Westerfeld, M., Wharton, R. A., Wirkner, C. S., Woolley, J. B., Yoder, M. J., Zorn, A. M., and Mabee, P., Finding Our Way through Phenotypes, PLoS Biol, vol. 13, p. e1002033, 2015.
A. R. Deans, Lewis, S. E., Huala, E., Anzaldo, S. S., Ashburner, M., Balhoff, J. P., Blackburn, D. C., Blake, J. A., J. Burleigh, G., Chanet, B., Cooper, L. D., Courtot, M., Csösz, S., Cui, H., Dahdul, W., Das, S., T. Dececchi, A., Dettai, A., Diogo, R., Druzinsky, R. E., Dumontier, M., Franz, N. M., Friedrich, F., Gkoutos, G. V., Haendel, M., Harmon, L. J., Hayamizu, T. F., He, Y., Hines, H. M., Ibrahim, N., Jackson, L. M., Jaiswal, P., James-Zorn, C., Köhler, S., Lecointre, G., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C. J., Le Novère, N., Lundberg, J. G., Macklin, J., Mast, A. R., Midford, P. E., Mikó, I., Mungall, C. J., Oellrich, A., Osumi-Sutherland, D., Parkinson, H., Ramírez, M. J., Richter, S., Robinson, P. N., Ruttenberg, A., Schulz, K. S., Segerdell, E., Seltmann, K. C., Sharkey, M. J., Smith, A. D., Smith, B., Specht, C. D., R. Squires, B., Thacker, R. W., Thessen, A., Fernandez-Triana, J., Vihinen, M., Vize, P. D., Vogt, L., Wall, C. E., Walls, R. L., Westerfeld, M., Wharton, R. A., Wirkner, C. S., Woolley, J. B., Yoder, M. J., Zorn, A. M., and Mabee, P., Finding Our Way through Phenotypes, PLoS Biol, vol. 13, p. e1002033, 2015.
A. R. Deans, Lewis, S. E., Huala, E., Anzaldo, S. S., Ashburner, M., Balhoff, J. P., Blackburn, D. C., Blake, J. A., J. Burleigh, G., Chanet, B., Cooper, L. D., Courtot, M., Csösz, S., Cui, H., Dahdul, W., Das, S., T. Dececchi, A., Dettai, A., Diogo, R., Druzinsky, R. E., Dumontier, M., Franz, N. M., Friedrich, F., Gkoutos, G. V., Haendel, M., Harmon, L. J., Hayamizu, T. F., He, Y., Hines, H. M., Ibrahim, N., Jackson, L. M., Jaiswal, P., James-Zorn, C., Köhler, S., Lecointre, G., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C. J., Le Novère, N., Lundberg, J. G., Macklin, J., Mast, A. R., Midford, P. E., Mikó, I., Mungall, C. J., Oellrich, A., Osumi-Sutherland, D., Parkinson, H., Ramírez, M. J., Richter, S., Robinson, P. N., Ruttenberg, A., Schulz, K. S., Segerdell, E., Seltmann, K. C., Sharkey, M. J., Smith, A. D., Smith, B., Specht, C. D., R. Squires, B., Thacker, R. W., Thessen, A., Fernandez-Triana, J., Vihinen, M., Vize, P. D., Vogt, L., Wall, C. E., Walls, R. L., Westerfeld, M., Wharton, R. A., Wirkner, C. S., Woolley, J. B., Yoder, M. J., Zorn, A. M., and Mabee, P., Finding Our Way through Phenotypes, PLoS Biol, vol. 13, p. e1002033, 2015.
A. R. Deans, Lewis, S. E., Huala, E., Anzaldo, S. S., Ashburner, M., Balhoff, J. P., Blackburn, D. C., Blake, J. A., J. Burleigh, G., Chanet, B., Cooper, L. D., Courtot, M., Csösz, S., Cui, H., Dahdul, W., Das, S., T. Dececchi, A., Dettai, A., Diogo, R., Druzinsky, R. E., Dumontier, M., Franz, N. M., Friedrich, F., Gkoutos, G. V., Haendel, M., Harmon, L. J., Hayamizu, T. F., He, Y., Hines, H. M., Ibrahim, N., Jackson, L. M., Jaiswal, P., James-Zorn, C., Köhler, S., Lecointre, G., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C. J., Le Novère, N., Lundberg, J. G., Macklin, J., Mast, A. R., Midford, P. E., Mikó, I., Mungall, C. J., Oellrich, A., Osumi-Sutherland, D., Parkinson, H., Ramírez, M. J., Richter, S., Robinson, P. N., Ruttenberg, A., Schulz, K. S., Segerdell, E., Seltmann, K. C., Sharkey, M. J., Smith, A. D., Smith, B., Specht, C. D., R. Squires, B., Thacker, R. W., Thessen, A., Fernandez-Triana, J., Vihinen, M., Vize, P. D., Vogt, L., Wall, C. E., Walls, R. L., Westerfeld, M., Wharton, R. A., Wirkner, C. S., Woolley, J. B., Yoder, M. J., Zorn, A. M., and Mabee, P., Finding Our Way through Phenotypes, PLoS Biol, vol. 13, p. e1002033, 2015.
A. R. Deans, Lewis, S. E., Huala, E., Anzaldo, S. S., Ashburner, M., Balhoff, J. P., Blackburn, D. C., Blake, J. A., J. Burleigh, G., Chanet, B., Cooper, L. D., Courtot, M., Csösz, S., Cui, H., Dahdul, W., Das, S., T. Dececchi, A., Dettai, A., Diogo, R., Druzinsky, R. E., Dumontier, M., Franz, N. M., Friedrich, F., Gkoutos, G. V., Haendel, M., Harmon, L. J., Hayamizu, T. F., He, Y., Hines, H. M., Ibrahim, N., Jackson, L. M., Jaiswal, P., James-Zorn, C., Köhler, S., Lecointre, G., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C. J., Le Novère, N., Lundberg, J. G., Macklin, J., Mast, A. R., Midford, P. E., Mikó, I., Mungall, C. J., Oellrich, A., Osumi-Sutherland, D., Parkinson, H., Ramírez, M. J., Richter, S., Robinson, P. N., Ruttenberg, A., Schulz, K. S., Segerdell, E., Seltmann, K. C., Sharkey, M. J., Smith, A. D., Smith, B., Specht, C. D., R. Squires, B., Thacker, R. W., Thessen, A., Fernandez-Triana, J., Vihinen, M., Vize, P. D., Vogt, L., Wall, C. E., Walls, R. L., Westerfeld, M., Wharton, R. A., Wirkner, C. S., Woolley, J. B., Yoder, M. J., Zorn, A. M., and Mabee, P., Finding Our Way through Phenotypes, PLoS Biol, vol. 13, p. e1002033, 2015.
W. Jaeger, Amos, A., Bigelow, D. P., Chang, H., Conklin, D. R., HAGGERTY, R. O. Y., Langpap, C., Moore, K., Mote, P. W., Nolin, A. W., Plantinga, A. J., Schwartz, C. L., Tullos, D., and Turner, D. P., Finding water scarcity amid abundance using human–natural system models, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 114, no. 45, pp. 11884 - 11889, 2017.
M. Bionaz, Thering, B. J., and Loor, J. J., Fine metabolic regulation in ruminants via nutrient-gene interactions: saturated long-chain fatty acids increase expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism and immune response partly through PPAR-α activation., Br J Nutr, vol. 107, no. 2, pp. 179-91, 2012.
M. Bionaz, Thering, B. J., and Loor, J. J., Fine metabolic regulation in ruminants via nutrient–gene interactions: saturated long-chain fatty acids increase expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism and immune response partly through PPAR-α activation, British Journal of Nutrition, vol. 107180158177119161441771135, no. 02, pp. 179 - 191, 2012.
J. Selker, Leclerq, P., Parlange, J. - Y., and Steenhuis, T., Fingered flow in two dimensions 1. Measurement of matric potential, 1992.
S. S. L., Moghaddas, J. J., Edminster, C., Fiedler, C. E., Haase, S., Harrington, M., Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Metlen, K., Skinner, C., and Youngblood, A., Fire and fire surrogate treatment effects on vegetation structure, fuels, and potential fire behavior and severity from six western United States coniferous forests, Ecological Applications, vol. 19, pp. 305-320, 2009.
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