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J. D. Bates, Bingham, B. S., Bohnert, D. W., Boyd, C. S., Buckhouse, J., Carpinelli, M. F., Davies, K. W., Deboodt, T., Doescher, P. S., Fisher, M. J., Ganskopp, D. C., Hardegree, S. P., Johnson, D. W., Krueger-Mangold, J. M., Miller, R. F., Pierson, F. B., Ratchford, J., Rhodes, E. C., Sharp, R. N., Sheley, R., Svejcar, T., Vasquez, E. A., and Young, K., Range Field Day Progress Report - 2008 EOARC, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2008.
M. Krause, Crossman, S., DuMond, T., Lott, R., Swede, J., Arliss, S., Robbins, R., Ochs, D., and Gore, M. A., Random forest regression for optimizing variable planting rates for corn and soybean using topographical and soil data, Agronomy Journal, vol. 112, no. 6, pp. 5045 - 5066, 2020.
E. Cornett, Jackman, E. Russell, and Sawyer, W. A., Ranchers, ranges, and cows. Federal Cooperative Extention Service - Oregon State College, 1958.
D. D. Johnson, Davies, K. W., Schreder, P. T., and Chamberlain, A. - M., Ranchers’ Perspectives of Invasive Annual Grass Management on Sagebrush Steppe Rangelands, in Society for Range Management 62nd Annual International Meeting, 2009.
S. Thawornchinsombut, Park, J. W., Meng, G., and C Y Li-Chan, E., Raman spectroscopy determines structural changes associated with gelation properties of fish proteins recovered at alkaline pH., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 2178-87, 2006.
M. Froidevaux, Higgins, C. W., Simeonov, V., Ristori, P., Pardyjak, E., Serikov, I., Calhoun, R., Van Den Bergh, H., and Parlange, M. B., A Raman lidar to measure water vapor in the atmospheric boundary layer, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 51, pp. 345–356, 2013.
R. C. Graebner, Wise, M., Cuesta-Marcos, A., Geniza, M., Blake, T., Blake, V. C., Butler, J., Chao, S., Hole, D. J., Horsley, R., Jaiswal, P., Obert, D., Smith, K. P., Ullrich, S., and Hayes, P. M., Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley., PloS one, vol. 10, p. e0133767, 2015.
R. C. Graebner, Wise, M., Cuesta-Marcos, A., Geniza, M., Blake, T., Blake, V. C., Butler, J., Chao, S., Hole, D. J., Horsley, R., Jaiswal, P., Obert, D., Smith, K. P., Ullrich, S., and Hayes, P. M., Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley., PloS one, vol. 10, p. e0133767, 2015.
R. C. Graebner, Wise, M., Cuesta-Marcos, A., Geniza, M., Blake, T. K., Blake, V. C., Butler, J., Chao, S., Hole, D. J., Horsley, R., Jaiswal, P., Obert, D. E., Smith, K. P., Ullrich, S., and Hayes, P. M., Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley, PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 7, p. e0133767, 2015.
R. C. Graebner, Wise, M., Cuesta-Marcos, A., Geniza, M., Blake, T. K., Blake, V. C., Butler, J., Chao, S., Hole, D. J., Horsley, R., Jaiswal, P., Obert, D. E., Smith, K. P., Ullrich, S., and Hayes, P. M., Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with the Tocochromanol (Vitamin E) Pathway in Barley, PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 7, p. e0133767, 2015.
P. Li, Chen, J., Wu, P., Zhang, J., Chu, C., See, D., Brown-Guedira, G., Zemetra, R. S., and Souza, E., Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis for the Effect of Dwarfing Gene on Coleoptile Length and Seedling Root Length and Number of Bread Wheat, Crop Science, vol. 51, no. 6, p. 2561, 2011.
P. Li, Chen, J., Wu, P., Zhang, J., Chu, C., See, D., Brown-Guedira, G., Zemetra, R. S., and Souza, E., Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis for the Effect of Dwarfing Gene on Coleoptile Length and Seedling Root Length and Number of Bread Wheat, Crop Science, vol. 51, no. 6, p. 2561, 2011.
M. C. Quincke, C. Peterson, J., Zemetra, R. S., Hansen, J. L., Chen, J., Riera-Lizarazu, O., and Mundt, C. C., Quantitative trait loci analysis for resistance to Cephalosporium stripe, a vascular wilt disease of wheat, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1339 - 1349, 2011.
D. Gu, Zhen, F., Hannaway, D. B., Zhu, Y., Liu, L., Cao, W., and Tang, L., Quantitative Classification of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Root Length and Diameter Using Image Analysis, PLoS ONE, vol. 12, no. 1, p. e0169968, 2017.
A. C. Chlebowski, Tanguay, R. L., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Quantitation and prediction of sorptive losses during toxicity testing of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and nitrated PAH (NPAH) using polystyrene 96-well plates., Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 57, pp. 30-38, 2016.
A. C. Chlebowski, Tanguay, R. L., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Quantitation and prediction of sorptive losses during toxicity testing of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and nitrated PAH (NPAH) using polystyrene 96-well plates., Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 57, 2016.
A. C. Chlebowski, Tanguay, R. L., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Quantitation and prediction of sorptive losses during toxicity testing of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and nitrated PAH (NPAH) using polystyrene 96-well plates, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, vol. 57, pp. 30 - 38, 2016.
S. I. Rondon, Corp, M. K., and VanVleet, S., Quantifying the benefit of train-the trainer insect identification workshops in Oregon and Washington: how far can we go? , OSU Outreach and Engagement Conference. OSUEA Poster Session, Corvallis, Oregon, 2012.
J. Duan, Cherian, G., and Zhao, Y., Quality enhancement in fresh and frozen lingcod (Ophiodon elongates) fillets by employment of fish oil incorporated chitosan coatings, Food Chemistry, vol. 119, no. 2, pp. 524 - 532, 2010.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., M. Ebelhar, W., Coker, C., and Evans, W. B., Quality assessment and yield of baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) grown at multiple locations across Mississippi, HortScience, vol. 42, pp. 1183-1187, 2007.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., M. Ebelhar, W., Coker, C., and Evans, W. B., Quality assessment and yield of baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) grown at multiple locations across Mississippi, HortScience, vol. 42, pp. 1183-1187, 2007.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Ebelhar, W., Coker, C., and Evans, W., Quality assessment and yield of Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) grown at multiple locations, HortScience, vol. 42, no. 5, 2007.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Ebelhar, W., Coker, C., and Evans, W., Quality assessment and yield of Baikal skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis) grown at multiple locations, HortScience, vol. 42, no. 5, 2007.
L. Davis, Jung, J., Colonna, A., Hasenbeck, A., Gouw, V., and Zhao, Y., Quality and Consumer Acceptance of Berry Fruit Pomace–Fortified Specialty Mustard, Journal of Food Science, vol. 83, pp. 1921-1932, 2018.
L. Davis, Jung, J., Colonna, A., Hasenbeck, A., Gouw, V., and Zhao, Y., Quality and consumer acceptance of berry fruit pomace-fortified specialty mustard. , Journal of Food Science, vol. 83, no. 7, 2018.