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I. Arismendi, Penaluna, B. E., Dunham, J. B., de Leaniz, C. García, Soto, D., Fleming, I. A., Gomez-Uchida, D., Gajardo, G., Vargas, P. V., and León-Muñoz, J., Differential invasion success of salmonids in southern Chile: patterns and hypotheses, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 919 - 941, 2014.
L. Truong, Moody, I. S., Stankus, D. P., Nason, J. A., Lonergan, M. C., and Tanguay, R. L., Differential stability of lead sulfide nanoparticles influences biological responses in embryonic zebrafish., Arch Toxicol, vol. 85, no. 7, pp. 787-98, 2011.
L. Truong, Moody, I. S., Stankus, D. P., Nason, J. A., Lonergan, M. C., and Tanguay, R. L., Differential stability of lead sulfide nanoparticles influences biological responses in embryonic zebrafish, Archives of Toxicology, vol. 85, no. 7, pp. 787 - 798, 2011.
H. Xu, Bionaz, M., Sloboda, D. M., Ehrlich, L., Li, S., Newnham, J. P., Dudenhausen, J. W., Henrich, W., Plagemann, A., Challis, J. Rg, and Braun, T., The dilution effect and the importance of selecting the right internal control genes for RT-qPCR: a paradigmatic approach in fetal sheep., BMC Res Notes, vol. 8, p. 58, 2015.
H. Xu, Bionaz, M., Sloboda, D. M., Ehrlich, L., Li, S., Newnham, J. P., Dudenhausen, J. W., Henrich, W., Plagemann, A., Challis, J., and Braun, T., The dilution effect and the importance of selecting the right internal control genes for RT-qPCR: a paradigmatic approach in fetal sheep, BMC Research Notes, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 58, 2015.
I. Krimm, Goyer, A., Issakidis-Bourguet, E., Miginiac-Maslow, M., and Lancelin, J. M., Direct NMR observation of the thioredoxin-mediated reduction of the chloroplast NADP-malate dehydrogenase provides a structural basis for the relief of autoinhibition, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 274, 1999.
W. H. Bisson, Cheltsov, A. V., Bruey-Sedano, N., Lin, B., Chen, J., Goldberger, N., May, L. T., Christopoulos, A., Dalton, J. T., Sexton, P. M., and , Discovery of antiandrogen activity of nonsteroidal scaffolds of marketed drugs, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 104, pp. 11927–11932, 2007.
A. Margina, Lecheva, I., Craker, L. E., and Zheljazkov, V. D., DISEASES AND PESTS ON BULGARIAN OIL-BEARING ROSE (ROSA KAZANLIKA V.T. = ROSA DAMASCENA MILL. VAR. KAZANLIKA), Acta Horticulturae, no. 502, pp. 237 - 242, 1999.
A. Carnero, Blanco-Aparicio, C., Kondoh, H., Lleonart, M. E., Martinez-Leal, J. Fernando, Mondello, C., A Scovassi, I., Bisson, W. H., Amedei, A., Roy, R., and Bisson, W. H., Disruptive chemicals, senescence and immortality, Carcinogenesis, vol. 36, pp. S19–S37, 2015.
K. Badri Narayanan, Ali, M., Barclay, B. J., Cheng, Q. Shawn, D’Abronzo, L., Dornetshuber-Fleiss, R., Ghosh, P. M., Guzman, M. J. Gonzalez, Lee, T. - J., Leung, P. Sing, and Bisson, W. H., Disruptive environmental chemicals and cellular mechanisms that confer resistance to cell death, Carcinogenesis, vol. 36, pp. S89–S110, 2015.
K. Badri Narayanan, Ali, M., Barclay, B. J., Cheng, Q. Shawn, D’Abronzo, L., Dornetshuber-Fleiss, R., Ghosh, P. M., Guzman, M. J. Gonzalez, Lee, T. - J., Leung, P. Sing, and Bisson, W. H., Disruptive environmental chemicals and cellular mechanisms that confer resistance to cell death, Carcinogenesis, vol. 36, pp. S89–S110, 2015.
M. A. Cairns, Lajtha, K., and Beedlow, P. A., Dissolved carbon and nitrogen losses from forests of the Oregon Cascades over a successional gradient, Plant and Soil, vol. 3, no. 1-2, pp. 185 - 196, 2009.
J. Selker, Thevenaz, L., Huwald, H., Mallet, A., Luxemburg, W., Van De Giesen, N., Stejskal, M., Zeman, J., Westhoff, M. C., and Parlange, M. B., Distributed fiber-optic temperature sensing for hydrologic systems, Water Resources Research, vol. 42, 2006.
M. C. Westhoff, Savenije, H. H. G., Luxemburg, W. M., Stelling, G. S., Van de Giesen, N. C., Selker, J., Pfister, L., and Uhlenbrook, S., A distributed stream temperature model using high resolution temperature observations, 2007.
J. Klick, Yang, W. Qiang, Walton, V. M., Dalton, D., Hagler, J. R., Dreves, A., Lee, J. C., and Bruck, D. J., Distribution and activity of Drosophila suzukii in cultivated raspberry and surrounding vegetation, Journal of Applied Entomology, vol. 140, no. 1-2, pp. 37 - 46, 2016.
K. D. Wilson, Clark, P. E., Louhaichi, M., Johnson, M. D., Delcurto, T., Williams, J. D., Larson, L. L., Harris, N. R., Vavra, M., Ganskopp, D. C., and , Distribution of Cattle Grazing in a Northeastern Oregon Riparian Pasture, Range Field Day 2009 Progress Report, p. 15, 2009.
K. D. Wilson, Clark, P. E., Louhaichi, M., Johnson, M. D., Delcurto, T., Williams, J. D., Larson, L. L., Harris, N. R., Vavra, M., Ganskopp, D. C., and , Distribution of Cattle Grazing in a Northeastern Oregon Riparian Pasture, Range Field Day 2009 Progress Report, p. 15, 2009.
E. L. LeRiche, Wang-Pruski, G., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Distribution of elements in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers and their relationship to after-cooking darkening, HortScience, vol. 44, no. 7, 2009.
E. L. LeRiche, Wang-Pruski, G., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Distribution of elements in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) and their relationship to after-cooking darkening, HortScience, vol. 44, pp. 1866-1873, 2009.
R. A. Lybrand, Gallery, R. E., Trahan, N. A., and Moore, D. J. P., Disturbance Alters the Relative Importance of Topographic and Biogeochemical Controls on Microbial Activity in Temperate Montane forests, Forests, vol. 9, no. 2, 2018.
F. Tilton, La Du, J. K., VUE, M., ALZARBAN, N., and TANGUAY, R., Dithiocarbamates have a common toxic effect on zebrafish body axis formation, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 216, no. 1, pp. 55 - 68, 2006.
F. Tilton, La Du, J. K., Vue, M., Alzarban, N., and Tanguay, R. L., Dithiocarbamates have a common toxic effect on zebrafish body axis formation., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 216, no. 1, pp. 55-68, 2006.
S. Assouline, Narkis, K., Tyler, S. W., Lunati, I., Parlange, M. B., and Selker, J., On the diurnal soil water content dynamics during evaporation using dielectric methods, Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 9, pp. 709–718, 2010.
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J. Singer-Sam, Yang, T. P., Mori, N., Tanguay, R. L., Le Bon, J. M., Flores, J. C., and Riggs, A. D., DNA methylation in the 5'region of the mouse PGK-1 gene and a quantitative PCR assay for methylation, Nucleic acid methylation, vol. 128, pp. 285–289, 1990.