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“Bisphenol A Exposure During Early Development Induces Sex-Specific Changes in Adult Zebrafish Social Interactions”, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, vol. 78282991726016786, no. 1, pp. 50 - 66, 2015.
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, “Bisphenol A exposure during early development induces sex-specific changes in adult zebrafish social interactions.”, J Toxicol Environ Health A, vol. 78, no. 1, pp. 50-66, 2015.
, “Bisphenol A Exposure During Early Development Induces Sex-Specific Changes in Adult Zebrafish Social Interactions”, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, vol. 78282991726016786, no. 1, pp. 50 - 66, 2015.
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, “Breeding to improve garden performance of Penstemon in the Willamette Valley: early stages”, Bulletin of the American Pestemon Society, vol. 73, pp. 68-72, 2014.
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, “Can essential oils be used as novel drench treatments for the eggs and juveniles of the pest snail Cornu aspersum in potted plants?”, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 89, no. 2, pp. 549 - 555, 2016.
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