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C. J. Jack, Uppala, S. Sree, Lucas, H. M., and Sagili, R., Effects of pollen dilution on infection of Nosema ceranae in honey bees, Journal of insect physiology, vol. 87, pp. 12–19, 2016.
J. R. Jaeger and Delcurto, T., Endogenous Prostaglandin F2a Concentrations in Bovine Whole Semen, Seminal Plansma and Extended Semen, Proc. WSASAS, vol. 55. pp. 18-21, 2004.
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J. R. Jaeger and Delcurto, T., Efficacy of feeding a probiotic to yearling replacement beef heifers in a wintering backgrounding program, Proc. West Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci., vol. 51. pp. 510-512, 2000.
J. R. Jaeger and Delcurto, T., Endogenous prostaglandin F2α concentrations in bovine whole semen, seminal plasma, and extended semen., Theriogenology, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 369-75, 2012.
J. J. James, Ziegenhagen, L. L., and Aanderud, Z. T., Exploitation of Nutrient-Rich Soil Patches by Invasive Annual and Native Perennial GrassesAbstract, Invasive Plant Science and Management, vol. 321893781313, no. 02, pp. 169 - 177, 2010.
J. J. James, Salli, U., Smith, B. S., and Vasquez, E. A., EBIPM: Ecological principles for invasive plant management. Area-wide EBIPM project, 2010.
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J. J. James, Sheley, R., Smith, B. S., and Vasquez, E., EBIPM Assessment Guidelines - Putting Assessment to Work for More-Informed Land Management Decisions: A How-To Guide, 2011.
J. J. James, Effect of soil nitrogen stress on the relative growth rate of annual and perennial grasses in the Intermountain West, Plant and Soil, vol. 3105, no. 1-23, pp. 201 - 210, 2008.
M. I. JD and Fettig, C., Ecological consequences of alternative fuel reduction treatments in seasonally dry forests: the national fire and fire surrogate study, Forest Science, vol. 56, pp. 2-3, 2010.
G. Jennings and Tullos, D., Encyclopedia of Water Science, (Print Version), 2006.
Y. Jia, Stone, D., Wang, W., Schrlau, J., Tao, S., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Estimated reduction in cancer risk due to PAH exposures if source control measures during the 2008 Beijing Olympics were sustained, Environmental health perspectives, vol. 119, p. 815, 2011.
M. F. Jiang, Lee, J. Nam, Bionaz, M., Deng, X. Yu, and Wang, Y., Evaluation of Suitable Internal Control Genes for RT-qPCR in Yak Mammary Tissue during the Lactation Cycle, PLOS ONE, vol. 11345296415633755299197101419512995, no. 14438112696, p. e0147705, 2016.
M. F. Jiang, Lee, J. Nam, Bionaz, M., Deng, X. Yu, and Wang, Y., Evaluation of Suitable Internal Control Genes for RT-qPCR in Yak Mammary Tissue during the Lactation Cycle., PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 1, p. e0147705, 2016.
S. Jiao, Zhu, D., Deng, Y., and Zhao, Y., Effects of Hot Air-assisted Radio Frequency Heating on Quality and Shelf-life of Roasted Peanuts, Food and Bioprocess Technology, vol. 967682641046748718310015361763977187179792732107710532761331731, no. 241824C3435910813&4264, pp. 308 - 319, 2016.
K. C. Jinneman, Waite-Cusic, J. G., and Yoshitomi, K. J., Evaluation of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) method for the detection and identification of STEC O104 strains from sprouts., Food Microbiol, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 321-8, 2012.
D. D. Johnson and Davies, K. W., Effects of Integrating Mowing and Imazapyr Application on African Rue (Peganum harmala) and Native Perennial GrassesAbstract, Invasive Plant Science and Management, vol. 7404412124654131241363412, no. 04, pp. 617 - 623, 2014.
D. D. Johnson and Davies, K. W., Effects of integrating mowing and imazapyr on African rue (Peganum harmala L.) and native bunchgrasses., in Society for Range Management 65th Annual International Meeting, 2011.
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