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Journal Article
G. W. Miller, Ulatowski, L., Labut, E. M., Lebold, K. M., Manor, D., Atkinson, J., Barton, C. L., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., The α-Tocopherol Transfer Protein Is Essential for Vertebrate Embryogenesis, PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 10, p. e47402, 2012.
G. W. Miller, Ulatowski, L., Labut, E. M., Lebold, K. M., Manor, D., Atkinson, J., Barton, C. L., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., The α-tocopherol transfer protein is essential for vertebrate embryogenesis., PLoS One, vol. 7, no. 10, p. e47402, 2012.
G. W. Miller, Ulatowski, L., Labut, E. M., Lebold, K. M., Manor, D., Atkinson, J., Barton, C. L., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., The α-Tocopherol Transfer Protein Is Essential for Vertebrate Embryogenesis, PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 10, p. e47402, 2012.
W. J. Backe, Day, T. C., and Field, J., Zwitterionic, cationic, and anionic fluorinated chemicals in aqueous film forming foam formulations and groundwater from US military bases by nonaqueous large-volume injection HPLC-MS/MS, Environmental science & technology, vol. 47, pp. 5226–5234, 2013.
S. M. Bugel, Tanguay, R. L., and Planchart, A., Zebrafish: A marvel of high-throughput biology for 21 century toxicology., Curr Environ Health Rep, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 341-352, 2014.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Vick, B. A., M. Ebelhar, W., Buehring, N., Baldwin, B. S., Astatkie, T., and Miller, J. F., Yield, oil content, and composition of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown at multiple locations in Mississippi, Agron J., vol. 100, pp. 635-642, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Vick, B. A., M. Ebelhar, W., Buehring, N., Baldwin, B. S., Astatkie, T., and Miller, J. F., Yield, oil content, and composition of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) grown at multiple locations in Mississippi, Agron J., vol. 100, pp. 635-642, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Vick, B. A., M. Ebelhar, W., Buehring, N., Baldwin, B. S., Astatkie, T., and Miller, J. F., Yield, Oil Content, and Composition of Sunflower Grown at Multiple Locations in Mississippi, Agronomy Journal, vol. 100, no. 3, p. 635, 2008.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Vick, B. A., M. Ebelhar, W., Buehring, N., Baldwin, B. S., Astatkie, T., and Miller, J. F., Yield, Oil Content, and Composition of Sunflower Grown at Multiple Locations in Mississippi, Agronomy Journal, vol. 100, no. 3, p. 635, 2008.
M. M. Borman, Louhaichi, M., Johnson, D. E., Krueger, W. Clement, Karow, R. S., and Thomas, D. R., Yield Mapping to Document Goose Grazing Impacts on Winter Wheat, Agronomy Journal, vol. 94, no. 5, p. 1087, 2002.
S. Shiwakoti, Saleh, O., Poudyal, S., Barka, A., Qian, Y. P. L., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Yield, Composition and Antioxidant Capacity of the Essential Oil of Sweet Basil and Holy Basil as Influenced by Distillation Methods, Chemistry & Biodiversity, vol. 14, no. 4, p. e1600417, 2017.
R. G. Smith, Barbercheck, M. E., Mortensen, D. A., Hyde, J., and Hulting, A. G., Yield and Net Returns during the Transition to Organic Feed Grain Production, Agronomy Journal, vol. 103, no. 1, p. 51, 2011.
C. M. Holfus, Boyd, C. S., Rios, R. C., Davies, K. W., Copeland, S. M., and Mata-González, R., Wyoming Big Sagebrush Transplant Survival and Growth Affected by Age, Season of Planting, and Competition, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 92, pp. 1 - 11, 2024.
J. D. Bates and Davies, K. W., Wyoming big sagebrush Associations of Eastern Oregon; Vegetation Attributes, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, 2015.
B. C. Strik, Clark, J. R., Finn, C. E., and Banados, P., Worldwide production of blackberries, 1995 to 2005 and predictions for growth. , HortTechnology, vol. 17, pp. 205-213, 2007.
B. C. Strik, Clark, J. R., Finn, C. E., and Banados, M. P., Worldwide production of blackberries, Acta Hort., vol. 777, pp. 209-218, 2008.
T. - P. G, C. Baker, S., K, R., Martien, K. K., Baird, R. W., Hutt, A., Stone, G., AA, M. - G., Caballero, S., Endo, T., LAVERY, S. H. A. N. E., M, O., Couach, O., and C, G., A worldwide perspective on the population structure and genetic diversity of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in New Zealand, The Journal of Heredity, 2009.
T. - P. G, C. Baker, S., K, R., Martien, K. K., Baird, R. W., Hutt, A., Stone, G., AA, M. - G., Caballero, S., Endo, T., LAVERY, S. H. A. N. E., M, O., Couach, O., and C, G., A worldwide perspective on the population structure and genetic diversity of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in New Zealand, The Journal of Heredity, 2009.
M. Oremus, Gales, R., Dalebout, M. L., Funahashi, N., Endo, T., KAGE, T. A. K. A. H. I. R. O., Steel, D., and BAKER, S. C. O. T. T. C., Worldwide mitochondrial DNA diversity and phylogeography of pilot whales (Globicephala spp.), Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 98, no. 4, pp. 729 - 744, 2009.
K. F. Thompson, C. Baker, S., van Helden, A., Patel, S., Millar, C., and Constantine, R., The world’s rarest whale, Current Biology, vol. 22, no. 21, pp. R905 - R906, 2012.
D. A. Burgard, Banta-Green, C., and Field, J., Working upstream: how far can you go with sewage-based drug epidemiology?, Environmental science & technology, vol. 48, pp. 1362–1368, 2013.
D. A. Burgard, Banta-Green, C., and Field, J., Working upstream: how far can you go with sewage-based drug epidemiology?, Environmental science & technology, vol. 48, pp. 1362–1368, 2013.