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C. Lee Raffin, Price, B. Elizabeth, Yun, S. Hwan, and Choi, M. - Y., Nano‐injection method for micro‐insects without sedation using the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, Journal of Applied Entomology, 2022.
J. McIver, Youngblood, A., and Stephens, S. L., The national Fire and Fire Surrogate study: ecological consequences of fuel reduction methods in seasonally dry forests 1, Ecological Applications, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 283 - 284, 2009.
D. W. Schwilk, Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Bailey, J. D., Fettig, C. J., Fiedler, C. E., Harrod, R. J., Moghaddas, J. J., Outcalt, K. W., Skinner, C. N., Stephens, S. L., Waldrop, T. A., Yaussy, D. A., and Youngblood, A., The National Fire and Fire Surrogate study: effects of fuel reduction methods on forest vegetation structure and fuels., Ecol Appl, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 285-304, 2009.
D. W. Schwilk, Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Bailey, J. D., Fettig, C. J., Fiedler, C. E., Harrod, R. J., Moghaddas, J. J., Outcalt, K. W., Skinner, C. N., Stephens, S. L., Waldrop, T. A., Yaussy, D. A., and Youngblood, A., The National Fire and Fire Surrogate study: effects of fuel reduction methods on forest vegetation structure and fuels., Ecol Appl, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 285-304, 2009.
G. I. Yospin, Bridgham, S. D., Neilson, R. P., Bolte, J. P., Bachelet, D., Gould, P. J., Harrington, C. A., Kertis, J. A., Evers, C., and Johnson, B. R., A new model to simulate climate-change impacts on forest succession for local land management, Ecological Applications, vol. 25, pp. 226–242, 2015.
C. E. Finn, Yorgey, B. M., Strik, B. C., and Martin, R. R., New USDA-ARS blackberry cultivars bring diversity to the market, Acta Hort., vol. 777, pp. 81-86, 2008.
C. E. Finn, Strik, B. C., Yorgey, B. M., Martin, R. R., and Stahler, M. M., ‘Newberry’ Trailing Blackberry. , HortScience, vol. 45, pp. 437-440, 2010.
C. E. Finn, Yorgey, B., Strik, B. C., and Martin, R., `Nightfall’ thornless trailing blackberry, HortScience, vol. 40, pp. 2182-2184, 2005.
J. Yeo, Weiland, J., Sullivan, D. M., and Bryla, D. R., Nonchemical, Cultural Management Strategies to Suppress Phytophthora Root Rot in Northern Highbush Blueberry, HortScience, 2017.
R. R. Yarwood, Rockhold, M. L., Niemet, M. R., Selker, J., and Bottomley, P. J., Noninvasive quantitative measurement of bacterial growth in porous media under unsaturated-flow conditions, Applied and environmental microbiology, vol. 68, pp. 3597–3605, 2002.
N. Jariyasopit, McIntosh, M., Zimmermann, K., Arey, J., Atkinson, R., Cheong, P. Ha- Yeon, Carter, R. G., Yu, T. - W., Dashwood, R. H., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Novel Nitro-PAH Formation from Heterogeneous Reactions of PAHs with NO2, NO3/N2O5, and OH Radicals: Prediction, Laboratory Studies, and Mutagenicity, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 412 - 419, 2014.
E. A. Jeliazkova, Zheljazkov, V. D., Craker, L. E., Yankov, B., and Georgieva, T., NPK FERTILIZER AND YIELDS OF PEPPERMINT, MENTHA X PIPERITA, Acta Horticulturae, no. 502, pp. 231 - 236, 1999.
E. A. Jeliazkova, Zheljazkov, V. D., Craker, L. E., Yankov, B., and Georgieva, T. D., NPK fertilizer and yields of peppermint (Mentha X piperita L.), Acta Hort. , vol. 502, pp. 231-236, 1999.
J. Hart, Strik, B., White, L., Yang, W., and , Nutrient management for blueberries in Oregon, Ore. State Univ. Ext. Serv. Pub. EM, vol. 8918, 2006.