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C. S. Boyd and Svejcar, T., Biomass Production and Net Ecosystem Exchange Following Defoliation in a Wet Sedge Community, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 394 - 400, 2012.
S. Ates, Keles, G., Demirci, U., Dogan, S., and Ben Salem, H., Biomass yield and feeding value of rye, triticale, and wheat straw produced under a dual-purpose management system, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 95, no. 11, p. 4893, 2017.
D. Bachelet and Neilson, R. P., Biome redistribution under climate change, USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RMRS-GETR-59, pp. 18–44, 2000.
M. T. Sraïri, Benjelloun, R., Karrou, M., Ates, S., and Kuper, M., Biophysical and economic water productivity of dual-purpose cattle farming., Animal, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 283-91, 2016.
D. M. Sullivan, Fransen, S. C., Cogger, C. G., and Bary, A. I., Biosolids and Dairy Manure as Nitrogen Sources for Prairiegrass on a Poorly Drained Soil, jpa, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 589, 1997.
C. G. Cogger, Bary, A. I., Sullivan, D. M., and Myhre, E. A., Biosolids Processing Effects on First- and Second-Year Available Nitrogen, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 68, no. 1, p. 162, 2004.
J. S. Osorio, Lohakare, J., and Bionaz, M., Biosynthesis of milk fat, protein, and lactose: roles of transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation., Physiol Genomics, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 231-56, 2016.
J. S. Osorio, Lohakare, J., and Bionaz, M., Biosynthesis of milk fat, protein, and lactose: roles of transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation, Physiological Genomics, vol. 4834138131121071241364010137134340134201380531635459226823392, no. 4, pp. 231 - 256, 2016.
K. A. Hamby, Bellamy, D. E., Chiu, J. C., Lee, J. C., Walton, V. M., Wiman, N. G., York, R. M., and Biondi, A., Biotic and abiotic factors impacting development, behavior, phenology, and reproductive biology of Drosophila suzukii, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 89, no. 3, pp. 605 - 619, 2016.
K. A. Hamby, Bellamy, D. E., Chiu, J. C., Lee, J. C., Walton, V. M., Wiman, N. G., York, R. M., and Biondi, A., Biotic and abiotic factors impacting development, behavior, phenology, and reproductive biology of Drosophila suzukii, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 89, no. 3, pp. 605 - 619, 2016.
P. Perkins-Veazie, Ma, G., Fernandez, G. E., Bradish, C. M., Bushakra, J. M., Bassil, N. V., Weber, C. A., Scheerens, J. C., Robbins, L., Finn, C. E., and Dossett, M., Black raspberry fruit composition over two years from seedling populations grown at four US geographic locations, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1133, pp. 335 - 338, 2016.
P. Perkins-Veazie, Ma, G., Fernandez, G. E., Bradish, C. M., Bushakra, J. M., Bassil, N. V., Weber, C. A., Scheerens, J. C., Robbins, L., Finn, C. E., and Dossett, M., Black raspberry fruit composition over two years from seedling populations grown at four US geographic locations, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1133, pp. 335 - 338, 2016.
P. Perkins-Veazie, Ma, G., Fernandez, G. E., Bradish, C. M., Bushakra, J. M., Bassil, N. V., Weber, C. A., Scheerens, J. C., Robbins, L., Finn, C. E., and Dossett, M., Black raspberry fruit composition over two years from seedling populations grown at four US geographic locations, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1133, pp. 335 - 338, 2016.
M. R. Bush, Wohleb, C. H., Rondon, S. I., Waters, T. D., Llewellyn, D. A., and duToit, L. J., Blister beetles: occasional pest or beneficial predator?, WSU Extension Service, Pullman, Washington, FS 113E, 2013.
D. E. Graugnard, Bionaz, M., Trevisi, E., Moyes, K. M., Salak-Johnson, J. L., Wallace, R. L., Drackley, J. K., Bertoni, G., and Loor, J. J., Blood immunometabolic indices and polymorphonuclear neutrophil function in peripartum dairy cows are altered by level of dietary energy prepartum., J Dairy Sci, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 1749-58, 2012.
D. E. Graugnard, Bionaz, M., Trevisi, E., Moyes, K. M., Salak-Johnson, J. L., Wallace, R. L., Drackley, J. K., Bertoni, G., and Loor, J. J., Blood immunometabolic indices and polymorphonuclear neutrophil function in peripartum dairy cows are altered by level of dietary energy prepartum., J Dairy Sci, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 1749-58, 2012.
D. E. Graugnard, Bionaz, M., Trevisi, E., Moyes, K. M., Salak-Johnson, J. L., Wallace, R. L., Drackley, J. K., Bertoni, G., and Loor, J. J., Blood immunometabolic indices and polymorphonuclear neutrophil function in peripartum dairy cows are altered by level of dietary energy prepartum1, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 1749 - 1758, 2012.
D. E. Graugnard, Bionaz, M., Trevisi, E., Moyes, K. M., Salak-Johnson, J. L., Wallace, R. L., Drackley, J. K., Bertoni, G., and Loor, J. J., Blood immunometabolic indices and polymorphonuclear neutrophil function in peripartum dairy cows are altered by level of dietary energy prepartum1, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 1749 - 1758, 2012.
L. Valenzuela-Estrada, Vargas, O. L., Bryla, D. R., Sullivan, D. M., and Strik, B. C., Blueberry Root Dynamics and Nutrient Management under Organic and Conventional Production, HortScience, 2010.
F. Stormshak and Bishop, C., Board-invited review: Estrogen and progesterone signaling: genomic and nongenomic actions in domestic ruminants., J Anim Sci, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 299-315, 2008.
F. Stormshak and Bishop, C., BOARD-INVITED REVIEW: Estrogen and progesterone signaling: Genomic and nongenomic actions in domestic ruminants, Journal of Animal Science, vol. , no. 2, pp. 299 - 315, 2008.
R. F. Cooke, Carroll, J. A., Dailey, J., Cappellozza, B. Ieda, and Bohnert, D. W., Bovine acute-phase response after different doses of corticotropin-releasing hormone challenge, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 90, no. 7, pp. 2337 - 2344, 2012.
R. F. Angell, Svejcar, T., Bates, J. D., Saliendra, N. Z., and Johnson, D. A., Bowen ratio and closed chamber carbon dioxide flux measurements over sagebrush steppe vegetation, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 108, no. 2, pp. 153 - 161, 2001.
G. Stephenson, Gwin, L., Schreiner, C., and Brown, S., Breaking New Ground: Farmer Perspectives on Organic Transition, Oregon Tilth and OSU Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems, Corvallis, OR, 2017.
D. R. Conklin, Bachelet, D., and Bolte, J., Breaking Out of Gridlock: Simulating Natural Processes on Meaningful Spatial Units, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.