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D. -qian Wang, Thermophysical properties and temperature response of surimi-- measurement and modeling, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1990.
G. Wang, Leonard, J. M., von Zitzewitz, J., C. Peterson, J., Ross, A. S., and Riera-Lizarazu, O., Marker–trait association analysis of kernel hardness and related agronomic traits in a core collection of wheat lines, Molecular Breeding, vol. 11, no. 81, 2014.
M. Wang, Chen, J., Lin, K., Chen, Y., Hu, W., Tanguay, R. L., Huang, C., and Dong, Q., Chronic zebrafish PFOS exposure alters sex ratio and maternal related effects in F1 offspring., Environ Toxicol Chem, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 2073-80, 2011.
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M. Wang, Chen, J., Lin, K., Chen, Y., Hu, W., Tanguay, R. L., Huang, C., and Dong, Q., Chronic zebrafish PFOS exposure alters sex ratio and maternal related effects in F1 offspring, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 2073 - 2080, 2011.
L. Wang, Good, S. P., and Caylor, K. K., A New Method to Quantify the Isotopic Signature of Leaf Transpiration: Implications for Landscape-Scale Evapotranspiration Partitioning Studies, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010.
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W. Wang, Simonich, S. L. Massey, Xue, M., Zhao, J., Zhang, N., Wang, R., Cao, J., and Tao, S., Concentrations, sources and spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from Beijing, Tianjin and surrounding areas, North China, Environmental Pollution, vol. 158, no. 5, pp. 1245 - 1251, 2010.
H. Wang, Liu, S., Dai, X., Yang, Y., Luo, Y., Gao, Y., Liu, X., Wei, W., Wang, H., Xu, X., Reddy, A. S. N., Jaiswal, P., Li, W., Liu, B., and Gu, L., PSDX: A Comprehensive Multi-Omics Association Database of With a Focus on the Secondary Growth in Response to Stresses., Front Plant Sci, vol. 12, p. 655565, 2021.
M. Wang, Yu, Z., Wu, Z., and Hannaway, D. B., Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum KR107070 and a propionic acid based preservative on the fermentation characteristics, nutritive value and aerobic stability of alfalfa-corn mixture silage ensiled with four ratios, Grassland Science, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 51-60, 2018.
L. Wang, Good, S. P., Caylor, K. K., and Cernusak, L. A., Direct quantification of leaf transpiration isotopic composition, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 154-155, pp. 127 - 135, 2012.
L. Wang, Good, S. P., and Caylor, K. K., Global Synthesis of Vegetation Control on Evapotranspiration Partition, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
J. Wang, Chen, S., Tian, M., Zheng, X., Gonzales, L., Ohura, T., Mai, B., and Simonich, S. L. Massey, Inhalation Cancer Risk Associated with Exposure to Complex Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Mixtures in an Electronic Waste and Urban Area in South China, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 46, no. 17, pp. 9745 - 9752, 2012.
W. Wang, Jung, J., and Zhao, Y., Chitosan-cellulose nanocrystal microencapsulation to improve encapsulation efficiency and stability of entrapped fruit anthocyanins., Carbohydr Polym, vol. 157, pp. 1246-1253, 2017.
X. - G. Wang, Stewart, T. J., Biondi, A., Chavez, B. A., Ingels, C., Caprile, J., Grant, J. A., Walton, V. M., and Daane, K. M., Population dynamics and ecology of Drosophila suzukii in Central California, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 89, no. 3, pp. 701 - 712, 2016.
C. Wang, Fare, R., and Seavert, C., Revenue capacity efficiency of pear trees and its decomposition, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, vol. 131, pp. 32–40, 2006.
V. M. Walton and Pringle, K. L., Vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae ), a Key Pest in South African vineyards. A Review, South African Journal of Enology & Viticulture, vol. 25, no. 2, 2017.
V. M. Walton, Dreves, A., Coop, L. B., Jones, G. V., and Skinkis, P. A., Developmental Parameters and Seasonal Phenology of Calepitrimerus vitis (Acari: Eriophyidae) in Wine Grapes of Western Oregon, Environmental Entomology, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 2006 - 2016, 2010.
V. M. Walton, üger, K., Saccaggi, D. L., and Millar, I. M., A Survey of Scale Insects (Sternorryncha: Coccoidea) Occurring on Table Grapes in South Africa, Journal of Insect Science, vol. 93, no. 47, pp. 1 - 6, 2009.
V. Walton, Miller, B., Moyer, M. M., and O’Neal, S. D., Black Vine Weevil, PNW , vol. 644, p. 30, 2013.
V. M. Walton, Daane, K. M., and Pringle, K. L., Monitoring Planococcus ficus in South African vineyards with sex pheromone-baited traps, Crop Protection, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 1089 - 1096, 2004.
V. M. Walton, Dalton, D., Daane, K. M., Kaiser, C., and Hilton, R. J., Seasonal Phenology of Pseudococcus maritimus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) and Pheromone-Baited Trap Survey of Four Important Mealybug Species in Three Wine Grape Growing Regions of Oregon, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 106, no. 4, pp. 471 - 478, 2013.
V. M. Walton and Pringle, K. L., Effects of Pesticides Used on Table Grapes on the Mealybug Parasitoid Coccidoxenoides peregrinus (Timberlake) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), South African Journal of Enology & Viticulture, vol. 20, no. 1, 2017.