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N. Ochiai, Kraft, E. L., and Selker, J., Methods for colloid transport visualization in pore networks, Water resources research, vol. 42, 2006.
N. Ochiai, Dragila, M., and Parke, J., Three-Dimensional Tracking of Colloids at the Pore Scale Using Epifluorescence Microscopy, Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, p. 576, 2010.
N. Ochiai, Dragila, M., and Parke, J. L., Pattern swimming of Phytophthora citricola zoospores: an example of microbial bioconvection., Fungal Biol, vol. 115, no. 3, pp. 228-35, 2011.
J. Ochieng, Nangami, G. N., Ogunkua, O., Miousse, I. R., Koturbash, I., Odero-Marah, V., McCawley, L., Nangia-Makker, P., Ahmed, N., Luqmani, Y., and Bisson, W. H., The impact of low-dose carcinogens and environmental disruptors on tissue invasion and metastasis, Carcinogenesis, vol. 36, pp. S128–S159, 2015.
C. Ochoa, Fernald, A. G., Guldan, S. J., Tidwell, V. C., and Shukla, M. K., Shallow Aquifer Recharge from Irrigation in a Semiarid Agricultural Valley in New Mexico, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 1219 - 1230, 2013.
C. Ochoa, Guldan, S. J., Cibils, A. F., Lopez, S. C., Boykin, K. G., Tidwell, V. C., and Fernald, A. G., Hydrologic Connectivity of Head Waters and Floodplains in a Semi-Arid Watershed, Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, vol. 15241364579331181374247, no. 1123410, pp. 69 - 78, 2013.
C. Ochoa, Caruso, P., Ray, G., Deboodt, T., Jarvis, W., and Guldan, S., Ecohydrologic Connections in Semiarid Watershed Systems of Central Oregon USA, Water, vol. 1086Volume 15232, no. 2, p. 181, 2018.
C. Ochoa, Fernald, A. G., Guldan, S. J., and Shukla, M. K., Water Movement through a Shallow Vadose Zone: A Field Irrigation Experiment, Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 414, 2009.
S. P. Oeffner, Qu, Y., Just, J., Quezada, N., Ramsing, E., Keller, M., Cherian, G., Meunier-Goddik, L., and Bobe, G., Effect of flaxseed supplementation rate and processing on the production, fatty acid profile, and texture of milk, butter, and cheese, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 1177 - 1188, 2013.
A. Oellrich, Walls, R. L., Cannon, E. K. S., Cannon, S. B., Cooper, L., Gardiner, J., Gkoutos, G. V., Harper, L., He, M., Hoehndorf, R., Jaiswal, P., Kalberer, S. R., Lloyd, J. P., Meinke, D., Menda, N., Moore, L., Nelson, R. T., Pujar, A., Lawrence, C. J., and Huala, E., An ontology approach to comparative phenomics in plants., Plant methods, vol. 11, p. 10, 2015.
E. Oh and Parke, J. L., Phytophthora katsurae, Forest Phytophthoras, vol. 2, no. 1, 2012.
J. B. Ohm, Ross, A. S., Ong, Y. - L., and Peterson, C. J., Using Multivariate Techniques to Predict Wheat Flour Dough and Noodle Characteristics from Size-Exclusion HPLC and RVA Data, Cereal Chemistry Journal, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 1 - 9, 2006.
J. B. Ohm, Ross, A. S., Peterson, C. J., and Morris, C. F., Relationships of Quality Characteristics with Size-Exclusion HPLC Chromatogram of Protein Extract in Soft White Winter Wheats, Cereal Chemistry Journal, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 197 - 203, 2009.
T. Okada and Morrissey, M. T., Recovery and characterization of sardine oil extracted by pH adjustment., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1808-13, 2007.
T. Okada and Morrissey, M. T., Production of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrate from sardine oil by immobilized Candida rugosa lipase., J Food Sci, vol. 73, no. 3, pp. C146-50, 2008.
R. Okimoto, Froman, D. P., Pratchard, L., Locovare, H., and Kirby, J. D., The complete DNA sequence of a chicken mitochondrial genome associated with maternal type that exhibits low sperm mobility., GenBank Accession Number AY235571, 2003.
R. Okimoto, DP, F., Pratchard, L., Locovare, H., and Kirby, J. D., The complete DNA sequence of a chicken mitochondrial genome associated with maternal type that exhibits high sperm mobility., GenBank Accession Number AY235570, 2003.
C. Olavarria, C. Baker, S., Garrigue, C., M. Poole, M., Hauser, N., Caballero, S., Florez-Gonzalez, L., Brassueur, M., Bannister, J. L., Capella, J., Clapham, P., Dodemont, R., Donoghue, M., Jenner, C., Jenner, M. N., Moro, D., Oremus, M., Paton, D. A., and Russell, K., Population structure of humpback whales throughout the South Pacific and the origins of the eastern Polynesian breeding grounds, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2007.
C. Oldfield and Murthy, G. S., IMPACT OF LIGNIN COMPOSITION ON LIGNIN DROPLET SIZE DURING DILUTE ACID PRETREATMENT, Stakeholder Perspectives on the Bioeconomy, p. 60, 2015.
H. Jayne Oldroyd, Higgins, C. W., Huwald, H., Selker, J., and Parlange, M. B., Thermal diffusivity of seasonal snow determined from temperature profiles, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 55, pp. 121–130, 2013.
H. Jayne Oldroyd, Pardyjak, E., Higgins, C. W., and Parlange, M. B., Evaluation and Advancement of Similarity Scalings for a Steep Alpine Slope, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
H. Jayne Oldroyd, Pardyjak, E. R., Higgins, C. W., and Parlange, M. B., Stable Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Flows over a Steep, Alpine Slope: Observations, Theory and Multi-Scale Transport Dynamics, in Invited Talk: Fluid Mechanics Seminar Series at the University of British Columbia, 2015.